
Monday, November 5, 2012

From the readers: November Rain Edition, Part 1

As we barrel toward Turkey Day and then a December that will be filled with a new series of awesome Christmas-themed ephemera, here is the latest batch of fabulous comments from the Papergreat Readership.

(And this batch is so good, I'm breaking it up and publishing it over two days.)

Today's questionable recipe: Putting meat into your cake: Emily (aka Yinzerella), who authors the incredibly enjoyable Dinner is Served 1972 blog, writes: "I would totally try this out. But I have issues."

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"Personally trained in the [Jack] Woodford style": Keith Nichols writes: "I have written and published a biography of him, 'The Ghost of Jack Woodford.' It's available on Amazon thru the Kindle or as a paperback. Check it out."

Congratulations on your book, Keith! And good luck with sales.

By the way, Nichols' author biography on is pretty epic:
"Keith Nichols is a mad scientist living in the Pacific Northwest. He dabbles in just about everything, from backyard astronomy to rat rod fabrication to writing his books. He has a day job but prefers to not tell anybody what it is, just recently got married (sorry ladies), is loosing [sic] his hair way too early, and drinks too much coffee."

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10 great Pennsylvania postcards from the 20th century: This post, with its SEO-friendly headline, garnered a lot of attention. Some of the comments:

  • ♥●• İzdihër •●♥ writes: "They are so nice. Thanks for sharing. Follow each other."

    Now, I'll admit, when I first saw this comment, I figured it was spam. But ♥●• İzdihër •●♥, dingbats aside, is a real person. In Pakistan! She has a blog in which she writes about love, Indian movies, tattoos, the way men act at malls (!), drinking tea, keeping jewelry in an old Pringles container, and the arrival of the first sacrificial cow for Eid al-Adha at her home.

    I cannot recommend her blog highly enough. It makes our world seem even smaller and yet will also help you expand your understanding of some of the people we share this planet with. Thank you, ♥●• İzdihër •●♥, for taking the time to comment here.
  • My wife writes: "I think we should make it a family plan to visit more of these, in addition to the ones we've already seen!"

    Agreed! We have an awfully good (and eclectic) regional travel list to work from.
  • R. Thomas Berner, who was one of my journalism professors at Penn State University and publishes essays at The Spectator, did some further delving into the history of the Nittany Manor Motel in the State College area and writes: "I did a reverse phone lookup for (814) 237-7638 and, without paying for more information, I found that the number appears to be around South Pugh Street and East College Avenue, leading me to conclude that the Nittany Manor is no more."
  • Wendyvee of Wendyvee's writes: "This is a FAB round-up, Chris! Duncan Hines approved, eh? Well, I won't stay anywhere that doesn't have a thumbs-up from Betty Crocker or Chef Boy-Ar-Dee."
  • And Mom checks in with this cool historical information: "Your grandmother [see a picture of her in this Machu Picchu post] worked at Lankenau in Philadelphia and moved with it to this location in 1953. In this photo, I believe the house in the lower right corner may be the residence used by the nursing nuns. To the left, not in the picture, were the residence halls (and some classrooms?) of the School of Nursing. I think those dorms may now be converted to apartments. The main entrance of the hospital in the photo is still the main entrance today even though there have been many additions to the site. There was a great long high hill behind the buildings in the upper right corner where Mom used to take us sledding."
Come back Tuesday evening (if you're not caught up following election results) for the second half of this roundup of recent reader comments.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the well wishes. :) and sadly the Ghost of Jack Woodford isnt selling millions of copies. but hey, it occasionally sells a copy. :D
