
Saturday, April 26, 2014

A somewhat messy attempt at communication from 1906

In these days of cellphones, text messaging, Twitter and Facebook, it's certainly easier to communicate with someone than it was 100+ years ago. Some people, though, made things even harder on themselves by failing at the simple act of writing and sending a postcard.

This postcard from 1906 was addressed to Miss M. Edna Wilson in Rising Sun, Maryland, and contains two messages on the front. The first message, in the lighter writing, states:

Avondale, Pa. August 27, '06.
Hi Eden [?]
Please send my skirt down with Lucy Sunday. Look for the ball team Saturday. Several Avondalites expect to come along even J. Crowell. Excuse the card the only one I could find.
"Ann [Con?] Amore." Bess.

In addition, the following is written between the lines of the first message in smaller, darker handwriting:

P.S. Wrote this the other day and failed to mail it. I do certainly wish you could come down Sunday. If so [?] you could even drive to Oxford and come down with Fred on the morning train. Love to all Bess.

I hope they connected in time for the Sunday gathering. But the odds might have been against them.

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