- Title: Pussy and Her Kittens
- Author: Е.С. Игошин
- Illustrator: М.М. Салтыкова
- Publication year: 1964
- Publication city: Moscow
- Original price: 16 kopecks (A kopeck was equal to one-hundredth of a ruble.)
- Pages: 176
- Format: Softcover
- First sentence: Преподавателю предлагается начать знакомство детеи с даннои книгои небольшои вступительнои беседои.
- Last sentence: Four, four, four, Kittens on the floor.
- Random passage from the middle: Look at this picture. What is it? It is a cat. Say it in Russian.
- Online reviews: Nyet!
Illustrations (иллюстрации) from inside