The March 11 Papergreat post
"Lamenting what we'll never know about Phyllis J. Stalnaker Harris" has been getting a lot of traffic in the past week, with more than 4,500 pageviews. Most of it — no surprise, I reckon — is from the same kind of Reddit and Twitter posts that inspired me to write about her in the first place.
There have also been some very kind comments left by readers on Phyllis' post:
- Joan, of Ask Joan fame, writes: "I'm glad you tell stories."
- Ingrid Medova writes: "Yes, sad there is not enough respect for this woman."
- Unknown writes: "It does look like she is about to smile in her mugshot."
- Tami writes: "Rest In Peace dear lady."
- Mr Smith writes: "Highlighted by Reddit, given flesh by you. Thank you."
- Siobhan writes: "Her photo was posted this morning on Pictures in History. Thank you for adding to her story."
- Unknown writes: "Thank you for making her something more than a Facebook post that says 'Weed head, tramp.'"
Saturday's postcard: Driving through a redwood: Wendyvee of the awesome
Roadside Wonders and possibly the forthcoming memoir
Grand Auto Adventures in Brooklyn writes: "There used to be a photo of my grandparents and their car with a Giant Redwood ... lost to the sands of time apparently."
Soviet-era magazine cartoons: Joan writes: "I want a T-shirt of that hedgehog."
Plenty of projects in Pack-o-Fun: Rushd Lady, who is involved with a number of blogs, writes: "I grew up to recycling crafts featured in the Pack-o-Fun and Workbasket magazines. You wouldn't happen to know where Edna or John Clapper were buried do you? I'm a member of Find-a-Grave and I have a 'Creatives' virtual cemetery I would love to add them to."
Alas, I do not know where those two individuals are buried.
Fairy tale food & drink of Ruth Manning-Sanders: Joan writes: "I most enjoy 'wine in a sack.' But also radishes. And cabbage."
Bookplate inside "The Angry Planet": "Mark Felt," Stealth Research Assistant and Executive Vice President in Charge of Ephemera Reunions, writes: "Dr. Sally's youngest daughter,
Lesa Lillibridge of Kent, Ohio, would be proud of the posting of her father's bookplate. Bless Dr. Sally's memory."
The Moorestown Mall and its questionable Monkey Cage: Wendyvee, commenting on Facebook, writes: "My college roomie had memories of them from when she was really little. I think that they had ducks in the 'mall fountains' too."
1970s gang graffiti inside a 1928 book of plays: Stewart lil writes: "Is this for sale by any chance?"
I'm not sure if I still have it! This post was way back in 2012, another lifetime ago. The days of keeping everything I've posted passed a long time ago. With nearly 3,000 posts, you just can't keep it all. But this was was unique enough that there's at least a chance I still have it ... somewhere.
Hans Gerhard Sørensen's cover art for "A Brief History of Norway": Unknown writes: "Looking for a list of Hans Gerhard Sorensen's prints and value so I know how to insure them."
Alas, I believe you would need to an expert for that. I am clearly just a generalist and amateur.
* * *
Bonus: Spam comment of the month
"Old business card for Hayes Flying Service":
"Would you choose a pun-filled name for your business? Are puns effective in attracting consumers to your brand? We look at how puns can actually be beneficial clicking here your business and brand, and how it can build your consumer base through the power of humour!"