Friday, October 20, 2017

Dust jacket: "Tale of the Witch Doll"

This is one of those situations in which a crumbling dust jacket is, in my opinion, even more interesting (and slightly creepier, perhaps) than a pristine one...

  • Title: Tale of the Witch Doll
  • Series: Penny Parker Mystery Stories
  • Author: Mildred A. Wirt
  • Dust jacket illustrator: K.S. Woerner
  • Publisher: Cupples and Leon Company, New York
  • Year: 1939
  • Pages: 210
  • Format: Hardcover
  • First sentence: "Just one more dive," pleaded Penny, climbing nimbly up the rungs of the bright brass ladder.
  • Last sentence: "Oh, you mean that paragraph about the witch doll?" Penny asked airily. "Didn't I warn you it would finally make the front page?"
  • Random paragraph from middle: The girl found herself in a gloomy chamber which had been draped with black velvet. The windows were covered with the same heavy material, and even the ceiling was black, decorated with a sprinkling of misshapen silver stars.1
  • Rating on Goodreads: 3.63 stars (out of 5.0)
  • One Goodreads review: R.L.'s three-star review from 2013: "An interesting glimpse into life in the U.S. in the late 1930s. Aimed at young readers of that era — it's laughable to think of this book appealing to any of today's teens. The characters are so uncool."
  • Notes: Author Mildred Augustine Wirt Benson (1905-2002) was a journalist who is best known for writing most of the early Nancy Drew mysteries for the Stratemeyer Syndicate, under the famous pen name Carolyn Keene. Her books included #1 in the Nancy Drew series, The Secret of the Old Clock. According to her obituary, she was "sworn to secrecy" about being the author of those early Nancy Drew books and "did not reveal her true identity until a 1980 court case allowed her to do so. The revelation made her an instant celebrity." ... Tale of the Witch Doll was the first of 17 volumes in the Penny Parker Mystery Stories series, the only series Wirt wrote under her own name. Other spooky titles included The Vanishing Houseboat, The Clock Strikes Thirteen, Ghost Beyond the Gate, and Hoofbeats on the Turnpike. ... "I always thought Penny Parker was a better Nancy Drew than Nancy is," the author stated in a 1993 interview.

1. My college roommate, Lee, and I always joked about how we were going to cover our dorm-room ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars. We never did. We also never climbed Mount Nittany in the middle of the night, like we said we were going to.

Pair of motel postcards
(from Ohio and South Dakota)

One of these days, when I'm swimming in free time (hahahahahahaha), I need to create a directory post of all the motels and hotels that have been featured on Papergreat. If I had been smart, I would have included that as a blog-post label from Day One, but since I cannot travel back in time to give instructions to my 2010 self, I'll just have to do the busy work here in the present day.

Anyway, here are two more motel postcards, from back in the days when cars were as big as boats...

Marietta, Ohio
4 miles east on U.S. 50 and State Route 7. 16 attractively furnished units, all air conditioned, TV available. Showers, Simmons furniture, Beautyrest mattresses, cross-ventilation. Thermostatically controlled vented heat, radios.
Phone FR 4-6876, Marietta Ohio

Publisher: "Published by Jack Lowe, Color Photographer, Marietta, Ohio."

Research tidbit: A Google search lists this location as "permanently" closed, although someone named Miriam did give it a four-star review just three years ago. Also, Miriam might be a bot.

A Friendship Inn
Roman's Ron de Vu Restaurant & Lounge
125 Main Street, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
Convenient location in Downtown Rapid City. Featuring: Heated Pool, Color TV, Direct Dial Phones, 24-Hour Switchboard, Family Units, Suites Available. Convention & Banquet Rooms (seating to 500). Tours Arranged. Airport Limousine Service.

New York Times tidbit (from April 15, 1973): "On Feb. 9, however, the Indian militants emerged from the Imperial 400 motel, where they had been running up enormous bills, and went into some of the Main Street bars and hassled some of the cowboys." [This is from an article about the aftermath of the 1972 Black Hills flood and local Indians who were justifiably "resentful at their treatment after the flood and with the deeper hurts of years of deception, treachery and genocide by the Federal Government."]

As an aside: "Roman's Ron de Vu Restaurant & Lounge" has to rank as one of the greatest business names ever.

Final note: Neither postcard was ever used, so I don't have anything fun to add about addresses or postmarks or short notes.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

1970's "The Halloween Hut" by Miriam Fuller

Does anyone remember using these staplebound reading booklets from Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company during their elementary school days in the 1970s or 1980s? This 24-page book was published in 1970 and written by Miriam Fuller. It contains three short stories with one- and two-syllable words: "Little Red Jet," "The Halloween Hut," and "The Magic Tree," which features a pixie named Puck.

The other books from this specific Merrill set, all of which I believe were written by Fuller, include Jan and Cap Can Nap; The Van Man; Rags in the Van; Cats, Cats; Up Pup Up; The Bus is For Us; The Fun Bag; The Little Fix-it Lad; Ground Hog; Tubs; and Cousin Mack.

From the few books that I've seen, one of the really nice elements is that there's a good mixture of protagonists of different races. This was perhaps one of the earliest set of children's books to understand that representation matters. The artwork is also very good, though no illustrator is credited, which is a shame.

Here's an excerpt from "The Halloween Hut":
Tad ran to Dan's pack and got a match. He lit it and said, "Your ghost, Tim, is a wet mop. And the ghost that had you by the neck, Dan, is a ragbag.

Tim looked at Dan said, "So I am a little chicken, but you are a big chicken."
I don't know how long this 1970 book was in use by the Hanover Public School District. But when it was "OFFICALLY DISCONTINUED," it received this big stamp on the inside front cover:

Pete and Jeff's lending library

Here's an amusing inscription that I spotted yesterday while meandering through York and waiting for the mechanic to finish work on my car.

The writing is on the inside front cover and first page of The Latch Key, volume #6 of the beloved My Book House series, which was edited by Olive Beaupré Miller and issued in many, many editions (some six books, some 12 books) in the first half of the 20th century.

My apologies for these not being the highest-quality smartphone images. Here's the full text:

book may be kept for one week
2 cents fine for each day book is overdue
Pete and Jeff's books
96 lake Ave

I think Pete and Jeff should be commended for trying to share the love of reading and learning with their Lake Avenue neighborhood. Maybe, in another era, they would have been likely to erect the first Little Free Library in their town.

Related posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

One child is chosen to be "It"

Yeah, the children's game of "Tag, You're It" has taken on a whole new meaning for this generation thanks to It, aka Pennywise, aka Bob Gray. Have we ever before had a situation in which a harmless, two-letter word has taken on such terrifying connotations? Thanks, Stephen King.

(There was an old Far Side cartoon with the caption "It's 'Them,' gentlemen." A man has opened the door and there's a giant ant on the other side. Obviously, that joke will start to lose its relevance, because future generations will not be familiar with the atomic-age, giant-ants horror movie Them! But I digress.)

So, anyway, it's fun — at least in my warped brain — to examine old books about children's games and overlay modern fictional horrors onto them. And so that brings us to the 1923 staplebound booklet Active Games for Schoolroom and Playground by Lincoln P. Goodhue.1 One of the games listed for first-graders is "Token Tag" (shown at the top of this post), and it has this description:
One child is chosen to be "It," and runs about the room, up and down the aisles, carrying a token (an eraser, book, or some other object). He places his token on any desk he chooses, and is immediately chased by the owner of that desk, who carries the token along and tries to overtake and tag him before he can reach his own seat. If he is caught, the pursuer becomes "It," if not, the game continues until someone succeeds in tagging him.
Deadlights not included. Feel free to use a red balloon as the token, kids!

This dandy 102-page booklet by Mr. Goodhue is packed with other great, nostalgic and sometimes bizarre games. As you can see above, "Poison" is another exciting pastime for the little ones to enjoy. Start teaching them the Game of Thrones methods at an early age!

I could get a bunch of posts out of this book. For now, I'll just leave you with a tantalizing list of some of the other game titles:

  • Prince Tiptoe
  • Flower Twins
  • Where is Your Letter Going?
  • Storming the Castle
  • Bean Race
  • Cross Tag
  • Wood Tag
  • Squat Tag
  • Slap Tag
  • Touch Wood and Whistle
  • The Farmer is Coming
  • Tommy Tiddler's Ground
  • The "Red Lion" Game
  • Squirrels in Trees
  • Forcing the City Gates
  • Bear in the Pit
  • Advancing Statues
  • Chicken Market
  • Postman
  • "Have You Seen My Sheep?"
  • The Apprentice2
  • The Mayor of Kokomo
  • The King of France
  • London Bridge
  • Ring Around a Rosy
  • The Farmer in the Dell
  • Charley Over the Water
  • The Muffin Man
  • Knave in the Garden
  • Baste the Bear
  • Pom Pom Pullaway
  • Brownies and Fairies
  • Prisoner's Base
  • Wolf
  • Ante Over

What games do you want to hear more about? What games did you play in grade school? Float me your thoughts!

1. This is probably Goodhue. The time period is correct and I can't imagine the name is too common.
2. Nope, nope, nope, nope. That's way worse than Pennywise.

Book cover: "Fresh Water Fish"

  • Title: Fresh Water Fish
  • Subtitle: A Guide Book Illustrated in Cover
  • Title-page title: The Blue Book of Fresh Water Fish
  • Blue? What's up with that? Not sure. More in a bit.
  • Author: Joe Godfrey Jr.
  • Illustrator: Gordon Ertz
  • Publisher: Whitman Publishing Company of Racine, Wisconsin
  • Year: 1939
  • Pages: 62
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: 5½ inches wide by 3½ inches tall. This likely makes it the fourth-smallest book featured on Papergreat, behind Book of Brief Narratives, Warren's Pocket History of Winchester, and Jack the Giant-Killer.
  • Provenance: I purchased the book at The York Emporium. The inside front cover has the following inscription, in pencil: "Jack Frey, 170 S. Albermarle St. [sic, it's "Albemarle"], York, Pa. I bought this for $.10."
  • Excerpt from preface: "This book contains enough information regarding common and technical names, distributions and habits, to identify each of the fresh-water fishes. It is dedicated both to anglers and to those who are generally curious to know more about the inhabitants of our inland waters. It also provided helpful hints on bait and fly casting."
  • Random excerpt from middle: "There are at least 40 correct ways to spell muskalonge. The Indians called this fish maskinonge, and this spelling is now commonly used in Canada. The French called it masque-al-longe. It is also called by such names as muske, lunge, kinongé, mascallonge, mascanongy, maskallonge, maskanonge, maskenosha, muscallunge, muscalunge, muskellunge, and noscononge.
  • Notes: So, the cover is green and the title is The Blue Book of Fresh Water Fish. And this book is, indeed, about fresh-water fish. So it looks like somebody screwed up the cover designs. There were two volumes in this set: The Green Book of Salt Water Fish and The Blue Book of Fresh Water Fish. But somehow we ended up with a green-covered Blue Book at some point. It appears that several editions of these books, with different covers, were published over the years, so I'm probably the only person who noticed and is dredging up the apparent mistake nearly 80 years later. ... Whitman published numerous nature guides in this format, including The Red Book of Birds in America, A Guide to Wild Flowers: Field Flowers, Trees of North America (aka Trees You Want to Know), The Green Book of Birds of America, The Blue Book of Birds of America, and The Yellow Book of Birds of America. ... More interestingly, Whitman was known for Penny Books starting in the late 1930s. This PDF article at notes the following: "The Whitman Publishing Company of Racine, Wisconsin, copyrighted the term 'Penny Book' and used it to describe several types of small soft cover books. All of Whitman’s Penny Books were published during the Silver Age of Big Little Books (mid-1938 into the 1940s)." Penny Books included comics, puzzles, cowboy stories, detective tales, fairy tales and even content from Disney Studios. You won't be surprised to learn that Whitman's Disney titles have gone from being Penny Books to costing a Pretty Penny:

Final note: The original working title for this post was "Abe Vigoda."

Sunday, October 15, 2017

From the readers #100:
Epic October edition

Hoo boy, it's been nearly eight weeks since the last "From the Readers," so there is — thanks to you — a lot of fun and super stuff to present today. Thank you as always for making Papergreat an interactive experience!

Take a ride with Edwards Motor Transit Co. (a post from nearly seven years ago!!): Scott Frederick writes: "I am the proud owner of one of the original GM PD-4107 buses that was delivered new to Edwards in 1967. The destination reel still has each and every city that is outlined on the envelope pictured above. It had been a transit bus for Edwards, then was conveyed to Trailways when they absorbed Edwards in a legal wrangling after bankruptcy. Converted to a motorhome in 1974, then renovated again in the 1980s, the bus is undergoing a complete transformation in to an entertainer coach, or more popularly known as a 'tour bus.' Stay tuned."

Chris adds: Wow! Thank you so much for getting in touch and giving us this 2017 update, Scott. It's great to see the stories attached to things like this, decades after their original purpose.

"Let the newspapers be kept!" (Some thoughts from 1932): Valued and shadowy research assistant "Mark Felt" writes: "The newspaper article in The Guardian (Manchester, UK) which you reference in your post includes a small advert from Baxendale & Co., Ltd. Much like the British Museum Newspaper Repository, the Baxendale factory was also destroyed in the Blitz in 1940. Source: Baxendale survived the Blitz, and then some. Stiff upper lip!"

Romaine Smith's pixie-laden bookplate from the 1930s: The amazing Wendyvee, who writes Roadside Wonders (blog link, Facebook link) and researches sunkenariums, writes: "Oh, I love that cover art! Can you imagine the amount of library research we would have to do if not for the Internet? Not that I would mind spending some time at the library. I haven't done that in ages! Of course, as is my obsession,I had to Google Map [Romaine's] house. Nice porch (that now has an AstroTurf covering, which made me smile and think of my grandmother's house)."

More fabulous covers from vintage juvenile-fiction books: Something identifying itself as "Dissertation writers in UK" writes: "these old book covers really give me a feeling of nostalgia. and i love these books too. i so want all of them but damn my budget wont allow. but i love to go to your blog and drool over these. make sure to keep posting because you are amazing."

Chris adds: This was obviously spam, but it was the best-done spam comment of the past two months, so I'm allowing it. I'm all for book-loving Spambots drooling over Papergreat.

Book cover: "The Talking Cat and Other Stories of French Canada": Joan, who has been kicking butt this summer and fall with Unschool Rules while also working a full-time job and taking classes, writes: "I want to read the title story!"

Chris adds: You have time for leisure reading, too???

Scholastic Fest: #8, Mystery by Moonlight: Christopher Childs shares this note about Mary C. Jane, who was the author of this book: "Mary Childs Jane was my aunt — one of the two younger sisters of my Dad, Charles Dyer Childs — and throughout my childhood, one of the most anticipated events each year (often, but not always, at Christmas) was the arrival of Aunt Mary's latest mystery. And summer visits to her home in Newcastle (and to my Aunt Nell's nearby home in Alna) were always high points, as well. As I grew older, Mary began to send passages from Emerson — whose writings she loved — and to share more serious thoughts about life and living. One of my older siblings also carried on an extensive correspondence with her, and she had a significant influence on aspects of our thinking, and on what we decided was important and valuable in life. So this children's mystery writer ran deeper than many people know. I am grateful for her affection and for her long-term interest in me and in the course of my life and career(s). Thank you for honoring her with your response to her work."

Chris adds: Thank you for contacting us, Christopher! The sharing of these kinds of wonderful memories makes me want to write Papergreat for another 50 years!

Illustration: "Revolving Poker Rack" from Pacific Game Company: Wendyvee writes: "Wouldn't that be funny if one of these were sitting on my dining room table right now? Oh wait, there is one!"

Chris adds: "That's CRAZY. I mean, it's 2017 and, while I'm sure there are a bunch of those poker sets still around, the number of original boxes has to be super low. What are the odds?!!?"

1961 advertisement: "Give her an island and a Paper Mate pen": Mark Felt writes: "Construction of the Berlin Wall commenced at 2 AM (Central European time) on Sunday, August 13, 1961, corresponding to Saturday, August 12, 1961, in the western hemisphere. The children on the cover of this magazine appear oblivious to events occurring half a world away."

Celebrating the 80th anniversary of publication of "The Hobbit": Wendyvee writes: "So many flavors. I think Mikhail Belomlinsky's is still my favorite but I like the Portuguese cover a lot too."

J. Edward Schwartzer's bookplate: Mark Felt writes: "It would appear that J. Edward and Harriet Schwartzer had no children (or at least none were alive at the time of J. Edward's death in 1986). J. Edward Schwartzer's brother Joseph passed away in 1995. Referenced in the above link is Joseph's firstborn son (J. Edward's nephew), named Thomas E. Schwartzer, of New Cumberland, Pennsylvania. Now in his mid-70s, no doubt Thomas would enjoy reading this posting at Papergreat. Or try the next younger brother, Richard, in Seneca, Oregon. Or contact other brothers and sisters (nephews and nieces) of J. Edward and Harriet, or their descendants. Someone must have an interest in genealogy and/or ephemera!"

Chris adds: Phew! Great sleuthing. I need a Kickstarter or an IPO or something so that I can bring you on board as the full-time Executive Vice President In Charge of Ephemera Reunions!

Two old postcards for Atlantic quality lubricants: Mark Felt writes: "Time to update your older posts, Chris, as the links behind 'this image', 'here', and 'here' now lead nowhere. Entering 'Bisignani Nash' Peckville (with quotes exactly as shown) into Google now yields links to the Scranton Republican from 1928 to 1930. Might the Great Depression have killed Bisignani Nash Motor thereafter, the only fringe benefit of which is the clue it may have yielded decades later as to the age of these postcards?"

Chris adds: I have more than 2,300 posts! Can I maybe fold "Archival Link Maintenance" into your Executive VP job description? :)

Processing silk (probably) in Japan: Mark Felt writes: "The characters at the bottom of the card read 'Yarn-Spinning (Japanese Tradition).' Interesting to note the text is written from right to left, which indicates that it dates from not later than the middle of the 20th century."

Chris adds: OK, you will also be Executive Vice President In Charge of East Asian Language Translations. And I'll probably have to get you a secretary. But I'm keeping the office with the big window.

Cool illustrations: The New Human Interest Library (Part 22): Wendyvee writes: "Wouldn't you just love to see those carolers costumes in real life? I may just have to download the Camp Fire Girls chart so that I don't spend all of my riches in one place. I kid, but as we talked about before, it probably would be more practical for kids to learn this in school than some other things."

Chris adds: Those caroling costumes are terrific. It's not my place to say if they're historically accurate, but they do look a bit more like forest pixies than carolers. Also, it's hard to say how ideal those outfits would be a chilly and perhaps snowy night of December caroling. ... I'm with you 100% on the financial chart, and if you need any copies, let me know. Maybe I should start a Papergreat Historical Documents Download Database. Think I could get a sponsor for that?

And Joan adds: "That reminded me of this oldie but goodie (from Man vs. Debt)."

Aunt Maggie climbing over a wall to avoid a bull: Mark Felt writes: "Do you suppose the bull finally got the best of Aunt Maggie?"

Chris adds: Alas, the bull eventually gets everyone.

Roll, roll, roll in ze hay ... Roll, roll, do it all day: Mark Felt writes: "A certain Henrietta Clark graduated from the Greenville High School in Greenville, Maine in June, 1924 (source link). That would put her date of birth in or about 1906. Could this be the same Henrietta Clark? If this is the same Henrietta Clark, then she would have not yet been seven years old when this postcard was mailed; considering the content of the postcard, that doesn't seem likely. Then again, there's more than one Henrietta Clark in Maine. With the ubiquity and pervasiveness of the Internet, will ephemerologists of the future face the same ambiguity?"

Chris adds: My guess is that a hundred years from now, or less, there will be so many "holes" in the internet archives that future historians will be challenged by a different kind of ambiguity and will need a different set of tools, probably involving cloud-computing forensics, in order to solve history mysteries.

Questions, answers & mysteries with Hookland's David Southwell (Part 2): RaphaeliteGirl writes: "Fabulous interview. I now want to create Art From Hookland. ... The idea of punk landscape is compelling."

Mystery photos: The Bow Tie Man and his family: Joan writes: "It's unfortunate that I think of The Bow-Tie Killer from Problem Child, isn't it?"

Chris replies: Anything that reminds us that Problem Child exists is, indeed, a problem.

How to have fun on long trips (1952): Wendyvee writes: "We played license plate bingo often; but I personally invented the world's most annoying 'long trip activity.' When I was in third or forth grade, Santa brought me a tape recorder with a microphone attachment. I proceeded to interview everyone in the car for what probably seemed like the entire four-hour drive to my grandparents' house. My poor sister and parents."

Mr. ZIP is way, way more famous than I thought: Joan writes: "This subject (and the word selvage) were heretofore unknown to me. So thank you — I learned something new today! I should put it in my learning journal!"

And Mark Felt adds: "You didn't mention how Zippy got his name: 'ZIP' = 'Zone Improvement Plan.'"

"Steal not this book my honest lad": Wendyvee writes: "I am going to start using 'Tom Harris will be after you' any time that I feel is appropriate. People will be confused ... and I kind of like that."

Chris adds: I approve whole-heartedly of that plan.

One of my earliest appearances in a newspaper: Wendyvee writes: "I remember when my grandparent's local paper used to announce that we came to visit them. Such different times. Your parents look like babies themselves here."

Joan adds: "This. Is. Awesome."

Scholastic book: "Spooky Tricks": This was a popular book! Tom from Garage Sale Finds writes: "I still have this book from my youth. I always bought these magic books from Scholastic, convinced they were going the share the secrets of the Magic World with me. Instead, they taught me how to stick a pin in a carrot and pretend it's my thumb."

Former newspaper co-worker Amy Gulli writes: "Holy crap, I think I had that book as a kid!"

Nena Zachary Challenner, posting on Papergreat's Facebook page adds: "I had that book in my classroom!"

And Wendyvee adds, regarding Spooky Tricks cover artist Tālivaldis Stubis, "I know the Funny Girl poster well. My first roommate was a theater geek and she had one on our wall."

Happy Halloween: Witches and zombies and scarecrows! Oh my! Lee Abernathy writes: "Thanks for the TV Guide page/clipping of Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things. That was right around when I first saw it (only it was on Channel 9 from LA). ... I was 9 years old, it scared the crap out of me too. Rating: 10/10."

Scholastic Fest: #1, Lost Race of Mars: OlmanFeelyus writes: "The cat on the cover is called 'Mitten.' He is a Mars equivalent of a cat and the kids get to keep him as a substitute for their earth cat, Chipper, they had to leave behind. Mitten comes from Mars Kitten."

Chris adds: Thank you! Great cat clarification!

George Manning-Sanders' short obituary from 1953: Mark Felt writes: "Mr. Boyce's Birthday aired at least once in the United States, namely on WNYC-FM (93.9 MHz) in New York on Saturday morning, October 12, 1957 starting around 12:30 AM. Even sixty years ago, quality programming was to be found on the FM dial (back in the days when radios still had dials). Note that the American rendering of the title of this play inserts the period in the abbreviation Mr. whereas the British rendering does not. Other than various references to the BBC and this one reference to WNYC, this play seems to be gone with the ephemeral wind."

9/11: Wendyvee writes: "Wow. Powerful ... and a reminder of the fact that though we have more capability to archive and document than ever ... the transience of the web is a real concern."

Enjoy a free drink at Doris Wong's Hong Kong night club: Wendyvee writes: "Wow. This sure was a find! I bet sailors brought a lot of stories home that they couldn't tell in front of their mothers."

Factory For Turning Chickens Into Robot Warriors: Joan writes: "I loved this then, but I love it even more now. Here's to more family lazy days!!!"

Tom from Garage Sale Finds adds: "Funny stuff. With my kids artwork and papers, I compromise and just scan everything."

And Mark Felt adds: "Not to be confused with the 'chicken-vator' at various Disney parks, where guests who become too terrified to experience the plunge down the Tower of Terror are allowed a more leisurely earthbound return to the gift shop."

"100% hand made" Black Forest Weather House for just $2.99: Linda Chenoweth Harlow, posting on Facebook, writes: "We had one of these when I was growing up!"

1942 postcard: "Everything is peaceful & quiet here": Mark Felt writes: "There's a decent chance that the recipient of this postcard was Joseph Michael Barth. Joseph was a widower by 1942 — his wife Mary had died in 1930 — so receiving a card signed "Love, Catherine" would not have been scandalous."

"The Valley of Hell" in Germany's Black Forest: Wendyvee writes: "I had the pleasure of seeing parts of the Black Forest. I even got to ride the Höllentalbahn (terribly uncomfortable train but such gorgeous scenery and cool engineering that it doesn't really matter)."

Chris adds: OK, that's officially going on my Bucket List!