Our beloved family cat, who had oodles of wonderful quirks and personality — moments that will have us reminiscing and laughing as family for years — was a big contributor to Papergreat, too. (He also starred in a Twitter thread gently mocking his silly sleeping positions this year.)
Longtime readers have seen him plenty of times. There was a Christmas cats photo gallery. And, perhaps most notably — and nearly 10 years ago — Mr. Bill appeared in Happy Halloween: Witches and zombies and scarecrows! Oh my! He was my Halloween front-yard decoration co-conspirator in that one. It's the first image below in a "tribute reel" for Billy.
Circa 2012. From left: Mr. Bill, Salem and Huggles. In the foreground: Mitts. All four of them are now hanging out together again, in the warm sunbeams.
Too many previous pet goodbyes