Six years ago today, Joan and I said "I do" and "Thank you for being My You."
Today, we celebrate.
The Weinstein Company has won a quiet but fevered bidding battle for worldwide distribution rights to the untitled next film by Paul Thomas Anderson. The film begins production June 13, with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix so far set to star. Megan Ellison1 is financing. It is Anderson's first trip behind the camera since "There Will Be Blood". ... This is the project that Anderson has worked on for a long time, once under the title "The Master". He has greatly overhauled the script and now, Hoffman stars as a man who returns after witnessing the horrors of WWII and tries to rediscover who he is in post-war America. He creates a belief system, something that catches on with other lost souls.Adds Angela Hickman of the National Post: "Although the movie may not be explicitly about Scientology, it sounds like Hoffman’s character resembles L. Ron Hubbard closely enough for the film to make its point. That is, if it actually gets made at all."
4-6 salt herrings
2-3 onions
2 small bay leaves
6-8 peppercorns
2/3 pint vinegar
a few tablespoons sour cream (optional)
1/2 pint water
Gut the herrings, soak for 12-24 hours, and then wash thoroughly to loosen the scales. Remove the gills, the gillcovers and the black skin. Wash the herrings once more, then arrange in layers with onion rings and spices in a small earthenware jar. Rub the roe through a fine sieve and mix with the vinegar and the sour cream, if desired; then add the cooled, boiled water. Pour the marinade over the herrings and leave covered for 2-3 days.
When A-bra-ham Lin-coln was a score and five years old, a great chance to step up came to him. His friends sent him to the Il-li-nois Leg-is-la-ture. He had then not one dol-lar with which he could buy clothes to wear to that place.And here's an excerpt from the description of Lincoln's death and assassin:
When dawn came and lamps grew dim, A-bra-ham Lin-coln's pulse be-gan to fail. Soon a calm look of peace came up-on his worn face and he was gone.There is no mention of John Wilkes Booth by name.
The bad man who shot Lin-coln was one of that knot of folks who had sworn to do him, and some of his Cab-i-net, harm. They said that by so do-ing they would "a-venge the South." Oth-er good men be-sides the Pres-i-dent were struck that night, but the Pres-i-dent, a-lone, met his death wound.
Those who had made the plot to do that foul deed were soon caught and put to death.
(1) Frozen confections on sticks.Here's an image of an old Py-sicle advertising card from 1938 that I found online:
(2) Handlesticks for frozen confections and bags for dispensing said frozen confections.