Monday, January 18, 2016

All my books (or A Perfectly Ridiculous Way to Spend a Sunday)

Hello, readers!

So, this is what happened. Early yesterday afternoon, with a light snow falling here in West Manchester Township, I was overtaken by a strange urge to make a list of all the books in my bedroom.

Not a small endeavor. The books are housed on six bookshelves and various other piles. On some shelves, there are logical themes. On others, there is not.

In the end, it took me about seven hours to accomplish this mission. I didn't finish until tonight, after work. It was, to paraphrase David Foster Wallace, a somewhat fun thing I'll (probably) never do again.

If you have any interest in reading the fruits of this labor, of reading Some Guy's interminable list of books, well, then I hereby present to you the longest post in Papergreat history. You might need a drink and a bag of peanuts....


1. State of Delaware Emergency Resource Management Plan (1967). I blogged about this in March 2012. I was unable to sell it in our short-lived bookstore and I didn't just want to give it away, so it sits atop my tallest bookshelf. Hope it never comes in handy.

2. The Heart of Europe, From the Rhine to the Danube, A Series of Striking and Interesting Views, HC, (1882). This is one of my favorite books, because of the amazing illustrations.

3. City, A Story of Roman Planning and Construction, HC, by David Macaulay.

4. The Collegian Chronicles, A History of Penn State from the Pages of The Daily Collegian, 1887-2006, PB, edited by Marv Krasnansky. I am proud to say I wrote two chapters for this book.

5. September 11, 2001, A Collection of Newspaper Front Pages Selected by the Poynter Institute, PB.

6. Unbuilding, PB, by David Macaulay. (Interesting and unintended juxtaposition with #5.)

7. Cathedral, PB, by David Macaulay.

8, 9 and 10. Three nearly identical paperback books on the history of The House on the Rock in Wisconsin, which I've wanted to visit ever since reading Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

11. See Inside an Ancient Greek Town, PB, edited by R.J. Unstead.

12. See Inside an Ancient Chinese Town, PB, edited by R.J. Unstead.

13. The Appalachian Trail, HC, by Ronald M. Fisher.

14. Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Volume One, HC, by Rodale Press.

15. Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Volume Two, HC, by Rodale Press. Mike McCombs and I are still planning to hike the trail someday, bodies and minds willing.

16. Waste and Want, A Social History of Trash, HC, by Susan Strasser.

17. Garbage Land, On the Secret Trail of Trash, PB, by Elizabeth Royte.

18. Rubbish! The Archaeology of Garbage, PB, by William Rathje & Cullen Murphy.

19. The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 1638-1664, Volume 1, HC (1969 reprint), by Amandus Johnson. I held onto a few of my grandmother's genealogy books when we purged and distributed her large collection a few years back.

20. The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 1638-1664, Volume 2, HC (1969 reprint), by Amandus Johnson.

21. The Adams Family, PB, by the American Genealogical Research Institute.

22. Welsh Founders of Pennsylvania, HC (1991 reprint), by Thomas Allen Glenn.

23. Description of the Province of New Sweden, HC (1975 reprint), by Peter S. Du Ponceau.

24. Friends School in Wilmington, HC, 1948.

25. Certain Topics on the Ingham, Waterhouse and Allied Families, HC (split binding), 1974. (Now wondering if I need to want to keep this one.)

26. Supplement to Certain Topics on the Ingham, Waterhouse and Allied Families, HC, 1976.

27. The Power Broker, PB, by Robert Caro. High on the list of books I want to finish, but it's a challenging read that requires a lot of time and concentration.

28. Jacksonland, HC, by Steve Inskeep.

29. The Great Bridge, PB, by David McCullough.

30. Truman, PB, by David McCullough.

31. The Path Between the Seas, PB, by David McCullough.

32. Beautiful softbound copy of The Holy Bible given to me by Joan on Christmas 2006.

33. "Manos" The Hands of Fate, Transcribed for Everyday Use, Alternate Histories Classics of Filmdom. (pocket-sized, staplebound booklet)

34. Plan 9 From Outer Space, Transcribed for Everyday Use, Alternate Histories Classics of Filmdom.

35. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Transcribed for Everyday Use, Alternate Histories Classics of Filmdom.

36. Phillipps Studies No. I: The Catalogues of Manuscripts & Printed of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Their Composition and Distribution, HC, by A.N.L. Munby.

37. Phillipps Studies No. II: The Family Affairs of Sir Thomas Phillipps, HC, by A.N.L. Munby.

38. Phillipps Studies No. III: The Formation of the Phillipps Library Up to the Year 1840, HC, by A.N.L. Munby.

39. Phillipps Studies No. IV: The Formation of the Phillipps Library Between 1841 and 1872, HC, by A.N.L. Munby.

40. Phillipps Studies No. V: The Dispersal of the Phillipps Library, HC, by A.N.L. Munby.

41. Portrait of an Obsession, The Life of Sir Thomas Phillipps, the world's greatest book collector, adapted by Nicolas Barker from the five volumes of Phillipps Studies by A.N.L. Munby, HC. (Yes, I know there's something ironic and somewhat meta about all of this.)

42. The Professor and the Madman, HC, by Simon Winchester.

43. The Little Bookstore of Big Stone Gap, PB, by Wendy Welch.

44. Old Books, Rare Friends, PB, by Leona Rostenberg & Madeleine Stern.

45. Book Row, PB, by Marvin Mondlin & Roy Meador.

46. Forgotten Bookmarks, HC, by Michael Popek.

47. Books and Bidders, The Adventures of a Bibliophile (1927), HC, by A.S.W. Rosenbach.

48. The Book on the Bookshelf, HC, by Henry Petroski.

49. Feynman, HC, by Jim Ottaviani, Leland Myrick & Hilary Sycamore (graphic novel).

50. "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!", PB, by Richard P. Feynman. (Eternal thanks to Nino de Prophetis Jr. for urging me to read this in high school.)

51. "What Do You Care What Other People Think?", PB, by Richard P. Feynman.

52. The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, PB, by Richard P. Feynman.

53. Six Easy Pieces, PB, by Richard P. Feynman.

54. Fermat's Enigma, PB, by Simon Singh.

55. Zero, PB, by Charles Seife.

56. The Code Book, PB, by Simon Singh.

57. The Language Instinct, PB, by Steven Pinker.

58. The Sixth Extinction, PB, by Elizabeth Kolbert.

59. The Story of Astronomy, PB, by Peter Aughton.

60. The Comet is Coming!, PB, by Nigel Calder.

61. A Brief History of Time, PB, by Stephen Hawking.

62. The Tunguska Mystery, HC, by Vladimir Rubtsov. (I have a great fascination with this event.)

63. Dinosaurs in the Attic, PB, by Douglas J. Preston.

64. Gods, Graves and Scholars, The Story of Archaeology, PB, by C.W. Ceram.

65. Mounds in the Mist, HC, by Harry Harrison Kroll and Mildred Y. Payne.

66. The Chinese Heritage, HC, by K.C. Wu.

67. The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas, HC, by Victor Wolfgang von Hagen.

68. Candyfreak, HC, by Steve Almond. (I still haven't had a Five Star Bar.)

69. BFI Film Classics: Night of the Living Dead, PB, by Ben Hervey.

70. I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie, PB, by Roger Ebert.

71. Roger Ebert's Four-Star Reviews, 1967-2007, PB.

72. The Children's Blizzard, PB, by David Laskin.

72. Sudden Sea, The Great Hurricane of 1938, PB, by R.A. Scotti.

73. The Worst Hard Time, PB, by Timothy Egan.

74. Little Heathens, Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression, PB, by Mildred Armstrong Kalish.

75. The Discovery of Middle-Earth, PB, by Graham Robb.

76. The Revenge of Geography, PB, by Robert D. Kaplan.

77. The Map That Changed the World, PB, by Simon Winchester.

78. The Fourth Part of the World, PB, by Toby Lester.

79. The Geographer's Library, PB, by John Fasman.

80. The Little Ice Age, PB, by Brian Fagan.

81. Mayflower, PB, by Nathaniel Philbrick.

82. The Lost City of Z, PB, by David Grann.

83. Food in History, PB, by Reay Tannahill. (One of my favorites.)

84. Fish on Friday: Feasting, Fasting and the Discovery of the New World, PB, by Brian Fagan.

85. At Day's Close: Night in Times Past, PB, by A. Roger Ekirch.

86. Seven Flowers, PB, by Jennifer Potter.

87. Superstition and the Press, PB, by Curtis D. MacDougall.

88. The Circus Fire, PB, by Stewart O'Nan.

89. Topsy, The Startling Story of the Crooked-Tailed Elephant, P.T. Barnum, and the American Wizard, Thomas Edison, PB, by Michael Daly. (True story with a very unhappy ending.)

90. Salt, PB, by Mark Kurlansky.

91. Cod, PB, by Mark Kurlansky.

92. A Schoolteacher in Old Alaska, PB, edited by Jane Jacobs.

93. 1968, the Year that Rocked the World, PB, by Mark Kurlansky.

94. From Hiroshima to the Moon, HC, by Daniel Lang.

95. The Girls of Atomic City, PB, by Denise Kiernan.

96. Delivered From Evil, the Saga of World War II, PB, by Robert Leckie.

97. The German Rhine, Thirty picturesque views, With interesting descriptions, HC, translated by Andrew Mitchell. (I wrote about this in April 2012.)

98. Modern Ruins, HC, photographs by Shaun O'Boyle.

99. Looking for Longleaf, The Fall and Rise of an American Forest, HC, by Lawrence S. Earley.

100. American Canopy, PB, Eric Rutkow.

101. Walden; or, Life in the Woods, PB, by Henry David Thoreau.

102. The Pig Who Sang to the Moon, PB, by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson.

103. Paradise Found, HC, by Steve Nicholls.

104. Gotham Unbound, HC, by Ted Steinberg.

105. The World Without Us, HC, by Alan Weisman. (Highly recommended)

106. Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth?, HC, by Alan Weisman.

107. The Geography of Nowhere, PB, by James Howard Kunstler.

108. Home From Nowhere, PB, by James Howard Kunstler.

109. The Long Emergency, HC, by James Howard Kunstler.

110. A Year in Provence, PB, by Peter Mayle.

111. Encore Provence, PB, by Peter Mayle.

112. The Stillmeadow Road, HC, by Gladys Taber.

113. Dakota, A Spiritual Geography, PB, by Kathleen Norris.

114. Local Wonders, Seasons in the Bohemian Alps, PB, by Ted Kooser.

115. Red House, Being a Mostly Accurate Account of New England's Oldest Continuously Lived-In House, HC, by Sarah Messer.

116. The Most Beautiful House in the World, PB, Witold Rybczynski.

117. Home Life in Colonial Days, HC (1926), by Alice Morse Earle.

118. England for All Seasons, PB, by Susan Allen Toth.

119. Prairyerth, PB, by William Least-Heat Moon.

120. The Longest Road, PB, by Philip Caputo.

121. Let Us Build Us a City, HC, by Donald Harington.

122. Agents of Empire: Knights, Corsairs, Jesuits and Spies in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean World, HC, by Noel Malcolm.

123. Green Mountains and Rock Ribs, HC, stories and pictures arranged by Keith Jennison.

124. Huckleberry Hill, Child Life in Old New England, HC, by Elizabeth Gemming. (Reviewed here in August 2012.)

125. Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling, PB, by Ross King.

126. Brunelleschi's Dome, PB, by Ross King.

127. Leonardo and the Last Supper, PB, by Ross King.

128. The King's Best Highway, HC, by Eric Jaffe.

Some vertically stacked books...

129. "The Good War" An Oral History of World War II, PB, by Studs Terkel.

130. Working, PB, by Studs Terkel.

131. Dutch and English on the Hudson, HC, by Maud W. Goodwin.

132. Blue Highways, PB, by William Least Heat-Moon.

133. World of the Maya, PB, by Victor Wolfgang von Hagen.

134. Out of This World to Forbidden Tibet, PB, by Lowell Thomas Jr.

135. The All New Fannie Farmer Boston Cooking School Cookbook, PB.

136. Dear America, Letters Home From Vietnam, PB, edited by Bernard Edelman.

137. Hard Times, PB, by Studs Terkel.

138. A Dictionary of American Antiques, PB, by Carl W. Drepperd. (1. I wrote about this book in July 2014. 2. For some reason, one of the Loring Daniels QSL cards was tucked away inside.)

139. The American Way of Death, PB, by Jessica Mitford.

140. Leonardo da Vinci, PB, by Kenneth Clark.

141. A Short History of China, PB, by Hilda Hookham.

142. Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets, PB, by David Simon. (I had to get a new copy, because the copy I read poolside while living in Spartanburg, South Carolina, in the late 1990s became seriously water-damaged.)

143. A History of London, PB, by Stephen Inwood.

144. The London Encyclopedia, PB, edited by Ben Weinreb and Christopher Hibbert.

145. Wales, PB, by Peter Sager.

146. The Rhine, From Its Source to the Sea, Volume 1, HC (1898), translated by G.C.T. Bartley.

147. The Rhine, From Its Source to the Sea, Volume 2, HC (1898), translated by G.C.T. Bartley.

148. 1493, PB, by Charles C. Mann.

149. The Pinball Effect, HC, by James Burke. (Fantastic book, and you can start on any page you like.)

150. The Knowledge Web, PB, by James Burke.

151. Pennsylvania and Its Manifold Activities, HC (1912), prepared by Guy C. Whidden and Wildred H. Schoff

152. Pennsylvania Dutch Dictionary and Handbook, with special emphasis on the dialect that was, and is, spoken in York County, Pennsylvania, PB (1951), by Edwin R. Danner.

153. Pennsylvania: A Guide to the Keystone State (American Guide Series), HC (1950 edition).

154. East of Gettysburg, PB, by James McClure

155. In the Thick of the Fight, PB, by James McClure

156. Nine Months in York Town, PB, by James McClure

157. The American Guide: A Source Book and Complete Travel Guide for the United States, HC (1949), edited by Henry G. Alsberg.

158. A Complete Official Road Guide of the Lincoln Highway, Fifth Edition, PB (1993 reprint of 1924 edition), by The Lincoln Highway Association.

159. A Little History of the World, PB, by E.H. Gombrich.

160. America in 1492, HC, by Alvin M. Josephy Jr.

161. A Concise History of the World, HC, by J.M. Roberts.

162. The Oxford Companion to Food, HC, by Alan Davidson.

163. Facts & Fallacies, HC, by Reader's Digest. (One of my favorite browsing books of all-time.)

164. The Fun Encyclopedia, HC, by E.O. Harbin. (This was mentioned in an April 2011 post.)

165. On Top of the World, An Eskimo Picture Book, HC (1937), by Nadine Lee.

166. Going, Going, Gone! "The Informal and Colorful Story of Auctions and Auctioneering from Colonial times to the World-famous Galleries of today," HC (1958), by Bellamy Partridge.

167. The Romance of New England Antiques, HC, by Edwin Valentine Mitchell.

168. Poe-Land, PB, by J.W. Ocker (of Odd Things I've Seen).

169. Safe Bind, Safe Find: The Story of Locks, Bolts and Bars, HC, by Garry Hogg

170. Design of the Roman Letters, HC, by L'Harl Copeland.

171. Great Floods of Pennsylvania, PB, by William H. Shank.

172. Dictionary of Teleliteracy, HC, by David Bianculli.

173. Teleliteracy, PB, by David Bianculli.

174. Television's Second Golden Age, HC, by Robert J. Thompson. (For its excellent full chapter on St. Elsewhere.)

175. Disney TV, PB, by J.P. Telotte.

176. Retronaut, The Photographic Time Machine, HC, by Chris Wild.

177. The Medici Conspiracy, HC, by Peter Watson & Cecilia Todeschini.

178. The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia, HC, by Michael Booth.

179. The Great Journey: The Peopling of Ancient America, PB, by Brian Fagan.

180. Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace, HC, by Janet H. Murray.

181. Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction, HC, by Nick Montfort. (Contains excellent historical material on Infocom)

182. COMPUTE!'s Guide to Adventure Games, PB (1984), by Gary McGath. (I've mostly held onto this for nostalgia/sentimental value.)

183. Extra Life, PB, by David S. Bennahum.

184. The Devil in the White City, PB, by Erik Larson. (I need to read this before the DiCaprio/Scorsese movie comes out.)

185. The Man Who Created Sherlock Holmes, PB, by Andrew Lycett.

186. Pouring Six Beers at a Time: Stories from a Lifetime in Baseball, PB, by Bill Giles

187. Worth the Wait: Tales of the 2008 Phillies, HC, by Jayson Stark.

188. The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg, PB, by Nicholas Dawidoff.

189. Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, PB, by Chuck Klosterman.

190. Eating the Dinosaur, HC, by Chuck Klosterman.

191. Chuck Klosterman IV, PB, by Chuck Klosterman.

192. Long John Nebel, HC, by Donald Bain.

193. Pennsylvania Fairs and County Festivals, PB, by Craig Kennedy.

194. Coney Island Lost and Found, PB, by Charles Denson.

195. Purebred & Homegrown: America's County Fairs, PB, by Drake Hokanson & Carol Kratz.

196. The Majestic Delaware: The Nation's Foremost Historic River, HC, by Francis Burke Brandt.

197. Is My Old Book Valuable?, PB (1968), by Edward L. Sterne.

198. Life of Amos Wilson, the Pennsylvania Hermit, PB, published by the Indian Echo Cave.

199. The Bookbinder in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg, PB, published by Colonial Williamsburg.

200. Harness in the Parlour, A Book of Early Canadian Fact and Folklore, PB, by Audrey Armstrong.

201. Preservation of Leather Bookbindings, booklet, by Ralph Wylie Frey.

202. An Introduction to Japanese History, PB, by Scott F. Runkle.

203. It's A Book, HC, by Lane Smith.

204. Metropolis: Ten Cities, Ten Centuries, HC, by Albert Lorenz with Joy Schleh.

205. House, HC, by Albert Lorenz with Joy Schleh.

206. Cal: Tribute to an American Hero, PB, published by the York Daily Record and Triumph Books and edited by yours truly.

207. Major League Baseball in Philadelphia as Recorded in the Pages of The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1930-1992, PB.

208. Centennial Magazine: Collegian Celebrates 100th Anniversary, PB (1987).

209. The Sporting News Selects Baseball's Greatest Games, HC, by Lowell Reidenbaugh. (A 1986 Christmas present from my dad.)

210. The Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics, HC, edited by Bill Blackbeard and Martin Williams.

BOOKSHELF #2 (mostly Ruth Manning-Sanders)

211. Stephen Shore: Uncommon Places: The Complete Works, HC.

212. Henry Darger, HC, by Klaus Biesenbach.

213. Darger's Resources, PB, by Michael Moon.

214. The Twelve Saints, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

215. Circus Boy, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

216. The Crochet Woman, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

217. Hucca's Moor, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

218. The Growing Trees, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

219. Mystery at Penmarth, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

220. Adventure May Be Anywhere, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

221. Elephant, The Romance of Laura, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

222. The Golden Ball, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

223. Pages From the History of Zachy Trenoy, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

224. Melissa, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

225. The River Dart, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

226. The West of England, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

227. Seaside England, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

228. The English Circus, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

229. The Story of Hans Christian Andersen, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

230. Birds, Beasts and Fishes, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

231. A Bundle of Ballad, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

232. Stories from the English and Scottish Ballads, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

233. Festivals, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

234. Festivals, HC, by by Ruth Manning-Sanders.(I have two copies of this title. Both were published by E.P. Dutton in 1973. However, one was printed in Great Britain and is 188 pages. The other was printed in the United States and is 169 pages. Both are marked First Edition. On my to-do list, I have to figure out the reason for the differing page counts, because it's really making me itchy, even though I am sure you do not care.)

235. A Book of Magical Beasts, HC, edited by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

236. A Book of Cats & Creatures, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

237. A Book of Charms & Changelings, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

238. A Book of Devils & Demons, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

239. A Book of Dragons, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

240. A Book of Dwarfs, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

241. A Book of Enchantments & Curses, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

242. A Book of Ghosts & Goblins, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

243. A Book of Giants, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

244. A Book of Heroes & Heroines, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

245. A Book of Kings & Queens, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

246. A Book of Magic Adventures, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

247. A Book of Magic Animals, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

248. A Book of Magic Horses, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

249. A Book of Marvels & Magic, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

250. A Book of Mermaids, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

251. A Book of Monsters, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

252. A Book of Ogres & Trolls, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

253. A Book of Princes & Princesses, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

254. A Book of Sorcerers & Spells, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

255. A Book of Spooks & Spectres, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

256. A Book of Witches, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

257. A Book of Wizards, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

258. Tales of Magic and Mystery, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

259. A Cauldron of Witches, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

260. A Choice of Magic, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

261. Folk & Fairy Tales, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

262. Gianni and the Ogre, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

263. Peter and the Piskies, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

264. Red Indian Folk and Fairy Tales, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

265. Sir Green Hat and the Wizard, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

266. Scottish Folk Tales, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

267. The Haunted Castle, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

268. Old Witch Boneyleg, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

269. The Cock and the Fox, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

270. Stumpy, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders. (I wrote about this book in March 2011.)

271. Old Dog Sirko, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

272. Grandad and the Magic Barrel, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders. (I wrote about this book in February 2015.)

273. Robin Hood and the Gold Arrow, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

274. Boastful Rabbit, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

275. Hedgehog and Puppy Dog, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

276. Oh Really, Rabbit!, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

277. Tortoise Tales, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

278. Fox Tales, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

279. Young Gabby Goose, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

280. The Smugglers, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

281. The Red King and the Witch, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

282. Jonnikin and the Flying Basket, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

283. Damian and the Dragon, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

284. The Glass Man and the Golden Bird, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

285. The Magic Squid, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

286. Animal Stories, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

287. The Three Witch Maidens, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

288. Robin Jacques: An Artist of Sustained Brilliance, PB, by Ian Rogerson.

289. A Book of Princes & Princess, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (extra copy for gift-giving).

290. A Book of Charms & Changelings, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (extra copy for gift-giving).

291. A Book of Witches, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (extra copy for gift-giving).

292. A Book of Witches, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (extra copy for gift-giving).

293. The Glass Man and the Golden Bird, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (extra copy for gift-giving).

294. Gianni and the Ogre, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (extra copy for gift-giving).

295. A Choice of Magic, HC, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (extra copy, possibly for future annotation).

296. The Circus Has No Home, HC, by Rupert Croft-Cooke.

297. Drum and Monkey, HC, by George Manning-Sanders.

298. A Book of Ghosts and Goblins, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (Young Readers Press edition)

299. Ghosts and Goblins, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (by Science Research Associates) I wrote about this edition in March 2011.

300. Lazy Hans, PB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders (BBC Radio for Schools edition)

301. The Circus, A Chanticleer Junior Book, HB, by Ruth Manning-Sanders.

302. A Young Artist, HC, featuring the artwork of Joan Manning-Sanders.

303. Third Book of Junior Authors, HC, edited by Doris de Montreville and Donna Hall.

These books are either off the shelves for various reasons or are fairly new and have not yet been shelved.

304. Romania, A Guidebook, HC (1967). This will be the subject of an upcoming Papergreat post.

305. Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash, HC, by Edward Humes. This will be the subject of an upcoming Papergreat post.

306. How To Read a Village, HC, by Richard Muir.

307. Books, PB, by Larry McMurtry. (A Christmas present from Joan)

308. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, PB, by Mark Haddon.

309. Welsh Cave Legends, PB, by John Rhys.

310. The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2013, PB, edited by Siddhartha Mukherjee.

311. I Am Not Spock, HC, by Leonard Nimoy. (A Joan discard that I "stole" from the "give" box.)

312. Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know, PB, by Joseph Romm.

313. The Timeless Way of Building, HC, by Christopher Alexander.

314. Strange But True Baseball Stories, HC, by Furman Bisher. (A Christmas present from Joan)

315. On the Map, A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks, PB, by Simon Garfield. (A Christmas present for Sarah & I from Joan)

316. Voices From Chernobyl, PB, by Svetlana Alexievich. (A Christmas present from Mom)

317. The End of the Story (The Collected Fantasies, Vol. 1), PB, by Clark Ashton Smith. (A Christmas present from Mom)

(This whole shelf is currently a thematic mish-mash.)

318. Dark Entries, PB, by Robert Aickman.

319. The Wine-Dark Sea, PB, by Robert Aickman.

320. Bridge of Birds, PB, by Barry Hughart.

321. Little, Big, PB, by John Crowley.

322. A Canticle for Leibowitz, PB, Walter M. Miller Jr.

323. Something Wicked This Way Comes, PB, by Ray Bradbury.

324. Dorset, A Shell Guide, HC, by Michael Pitt-Rivers.

325. Fertile Image, PB, by Paul Nash.

326. Haunted Britain, PB, by Antony D. Hippisley Coxe. (One of my favorite spooky books growing up, so I tracked down my own copy.)

327. Plutopia, PB, by Kate Brown.

328. The Shepherd's Life, Modern Dispatches from an Ancient Landscape, HC, by James Rebanks.

329. Countdown to Zero Day, PB, by Kim Zetter.

330. Deep Green Resistance, PB, by Derrick Jensen, Aric McBay and Lierre Keith.

331. Life in a Medieval Castle, PB, by Joseph & Frances Gies.

332. Dave Barry Slept Here, A Sort Of History of the United States, PB, by Dave Barry.

333. The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England, PB, by Ian Mortimer.

334. The Middle Ages, PB, by Morris Bishop.

335. A History of Pagan Europe, HC, by Prudence Jones and Nigel Pennick.

336. Witchcraft in Europe, PB, by Alan Charles Kors and Edward Peters.

337. World Without Time, The Bedouin, HC, by Edward Nevins and Theon Wright.

338. The Devil, Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity, HC, by Jeffrey Burton Russell.

339. Names on the Land, PB, by George R. Stewart.

340. The Forest, PB, by Edward Rutherfurd.

341. Sarum, PB, by Edward Rutherfurd.

342. London, PB, by Edward Rutherfurd.

343. Giants in the Earth, PB, by Ole Edvart Rølvaag.

344. At Home, A Short History of Private Life, HC, by Bill Bryson.

345. Maphead: Charting the Wide, Weird World of Geography Wonks, HC, by Ken Jennings. (Sarah and I read this over the summer/fall last. Find at more at Unschool Rules.)

346. The Last Great Walk, HC, by Wayne Curtis (a Christmas present from Joan)

347. The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England, PB, by Ian Mortimer. (Not to be confused with #333)

348. The Shell Guide to Reading the Irish Landscape, HC, by Frank Mitchell.

349. The Lost Villages of Britain, PB, by Richard Muir.

350. Midnight Marquee Actors Series: Vincent Price, PB, edited by Gary J. Svehla and Susan Svehla.

351. Shell Guide to Reading the Landscape, HC, by Richard Muir.

352. Britain Begins, PB, by Barry Cunliffe.

353. Mud Space & Spirit, Handmade Adobes, PB, by Virginia Gray, Alan Macrae and Wayne McCall. (I don't know why I have some of these books, either, if you're wondering.)


354. The Caves of Steel, PB, by Isaac Asimov

355. First on Mars, PB, by Rex Gordon

356. This Baffling World No. 1, PB, by John Godwin

357. Strangest of All, PB, by Frank Edwards

358. Impossible Yet It Happened!, PB, by R. DeWitt Miller

359. Fire, PB, by George R. Stewart

360. In the Days of the Comet, PB, by H.G. Wells

361. The Star Maker, PB, by Olaf Stapledon

362. 5 Tales From Tomorrow, PB, edited by T.E. Dikty

363. Welsh Tales of Terror, PB, edited by R. Chetwynd-Hayes

364. Tales to Be Told in the Dark, PB, edited by Basil Davenport

365. Isle of the Dead, PB, by Roger Zelazny

366. 11 Great Horror Stories, PB, edited by Betty M. Owen

367. Agent of T.E.R.R.A. #1: The Flying Saucer Gambit, PB, by Larry Maddock

368. The Book of the Damned, PB, by Charles Fort

369. The Lost Continent of Mu, PB, by James Churchward

370. The Midwich Cuckoos, PB, by John Wyndham

371. John Carter of Mars, PB, by Edgar Rice Burroughs

372. The Planet That Wasn't, PB, by Isaac Asimov

373. The Martian Chronicles, PB, by Ray Bradbury

374. Imaginary Worlds, PB, by Lin Carter

375. The Door Into Summer, PB, by Robert A. Heinlein

376. I Am Legend (and other stories), PB, by Richard Matheson

377. The Last Man on Earth, PB, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh

378. The Young Magicians, PB, edited by Lin Carter

379. Day of the Giants, PB, by Lester del Rey

380. The Under People, PB, by Eric Norman

381. The Wind's Twelve Quarters, PB, by Ursula K. Le Guin

382. Golden Cities, Far, PB, edited by Lin Carter

383. Opus 100, PB, by Isaac Asimov

384. The Non-Statistical Man, PB, by Raymond F. Jones

385. The Celestial Railroad and Other Stories, PB, by Nathaniel Hawthorne

386. The King of Elfland's Daughter, PB, by Lord Dunsany

387. Asimov's Mysteries, PB, by Isaac Asimove

388. Earth Abides, PB, by George R. Stewart

389. The Dunwich Horror, PB, by H.P. Lovecraft

390. The Weird Shadow Over Innsmouth, PB, by H.P. Lovecraft

391. Replay, PB, by Ken Grimwood

392. Dragonfly, PB, by Frederic S. Durbin

393. New Worlds For Old, PB, edited by Lin Carter

394. The Unholy City, PB, by Charles G. Finney

395. Choose Your Own Adventure #1: The Cave of Time, PB, by Edward Packard (because "nostalgia")

396. Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings, PB, by Lin Carter

397. The Hobbit, PB, by J.R.R. Tolkien (reading copy)

398. The Hobbit, PB, by J.R.R. Tolkien (cool vintage paperback copy)

399. The Fellowship of the Ring, PB, by J.R.R. Tolkien (reading copy)

400. The Two Towers, PB, by J.R.R. Tolkien (reading copy)

401. The Return of the King, PB, by J.R.R. Tolkien (reading copy)

402. Star Trek 2, PB, by James Blish

403. Star Trek 3, PB, by James Blish

404. Belmont Double: Special Delivery by Kris Neville & Star Gladiator by Dave Van Arnam

405. Swords and Sorcery, PB, edited by L. Sprague de Camp

406. The Best SF Stories from New Worlds #2, PB, edited by Michael Moorcock

407. The Barbarian of World's End, PB, by Lin Carter

408. The Green Planet, PB, by J. Hunter Holly

409. The Book of Three, PB, by Lloyd Alexander

410. Robot Dreams, PB, by Isaac Asimov

411. More Soviet Science Fiction, PB

412. The Saragossa Manuscript, PB, by Jan Potocki (translated by Elisabeth Abbott)

413. Stories from The Other Passenger, PB, by John Keir Cross (fabulous cover pictured at right)

414. Nine Great Tales of Horror from Nights Black Agents, PB, by Fritz Lieber Jr.

415. Beyond, PB, by Theodore Sturgeon

416. New Worlds of Fantasy #2, PB, edited by Terry Carr (I wrote about Terry Carr in August 2014.)

417. The Green Hills of Earth, PB, by Robert A. Heinlein

418. A Medicine for Melancholy, PB, by Ray Bradbury

419. Snow White and the Giants, PB, by J.T. McIntosh

420. The Collected Jorkens, Volume 1 (Night Shade Books), HC, by Lord Dunsany

421. The Collected Jorkens, Volume 2 (Night Shade Books), HC, by Lord Dunsany

422. The Collected Jorkens, Volume 3 (Night Shade Books), HC, by Lord Dunsany

423. Marvel Comics: The Untold Story, PB, by Sean Howe

424. Playing at the World, PB, by Jon Peterson (I wrote about this book in February 2013)

425. The Complete Robot, PB, by Isaac Asimov (Yes, I know, I need put all the Asimovs together.)

426. Swords and Deviltry, PB, by Fritz Leiber

427. Swords Against Death, PB, by Fritz Leiber

428. Swords in the Mist, PB, by Fritz Leiber

429. Swords Against Wizardry, PB, by Fritz Leiber

430. The Swords of Lankhmar, PB, by Fritz Leiber

431. Swords & Ice Magic, PB, by Fritz Leiber

432. Ace Double D-517: Bring Back Yesterday by A. Bertram Chandler and The Trouble With Tycho by Clifford Simak

433. Ace Double M-117: Ultimatum in 2050 A.D. by Jack Sharkey and Our Man in Space by Bruce W. Ronald

434. Ace Double F-273: The Dark Intruder & Other Stories by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Falcons of Narabedla by Marion Zimmer Bradley

435. Ace Double M-113: The Rithian Terror by Damon Knight and Off Center by Damon Knight

436. Ace Double H-51: Crown of Infinity by John M. Faucette and The Prism by Emil Petaja

437. Ace Double 30300: Night Monsters by Fritz Leiber and The Green Millennium by Fritz Leiber

438. Ace Double H-21: The Last Castle by Jack Vance and World of the Sleeper by Tony Russell Wayman

439. Ace Double F-187: Alpha Centauri or Die! by Leigh Brackett and Legend of Lost Earth by G. McDonald Wallis

440. Ace Double M-133: Space Mercenaries by A. Bertram Chandler and The Caves of Mars by Emil Petaja

441. Ace Double G-588: The Off-Worlders by John Baxter and The Star Magicians by Lin Carter

442. Alfred Hitchcock's Hold Your Breath (Stories to Turn in Your Grave By), PB

443. Alfred Hitchcock Presents More Stories My Mother Never Told Me, PB

444. Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Bar the Doors, PB

445. The World in Space, PB, by Alexander Marshack

446. Beachheads in Space, PB, edited by August Derleth

447. Invaders of Earth, PB, edited by Groff Conklin

448. Beyond Time and Space, PB, edited by August Derleth

449. Endless Quest #1: Dungeon of Dread, PB, by Rose Estes (Serious early 1980s nostalgia with these. Cannot part with them.)

450. Endless Quest #2: Mountain of Mirrors, PB, by Rose Estes

451. Endless Quest #3: Pillars of Pentegarn, PB, by Rose Estes

452. Endless Quest #4: Return to Brookmere, PB, by Rose Estes

453. Endless Quest #5: Revolt of the Dwarves, PB, by Rose Estes

454. Endless Quest #6: Revenge of the Rainbow Dragons, PB, by Rose Estes

455. Endless Quest #11: Spell of the Winter Wizard, PB, by Linda Lowery

456. For Emmy, PB, by Mary SanGiovanni

457. Space Platform, PB, by Murray Leinster

458. The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life, PB, by Homer Eon Flint

459. The Last Hope of Earth, PB, by Lan Wright

460. Waldo & Magic, Inc., PB, by Robert A. Heinlein

461. Get Out of My Sky, PB, edited by Leo Margulies

462. The Shores of Space, PB, by Richard Matheson

463. Fahrenheit 451, PB, by Ray Bradbury

464. Frederik Pohl's The Second IF Reader of Science Fiction, PB

465. Night Shift, PB, by Stephen King (I purged most of my King books a few years ago, in an attempt to winnow my shelves — ha! The thought being that he's the easiest author in the world for whom to find a reading copy, if needed, on a moment's notice. Wish I'd kept my reading copy of The Eyes of the Dragon, though. At this stage in my life, I just cannot envision myself ever re-reading any of his novels, especially the longer ones. I might tackle 11/22/63 some day, though.)

466. A Wizard of Earthsea, PB, by Ursula Le Guin

467. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, PB, by H.P. Lovecraft

468. Synthetic Men of Mars, PB, by Edgar Rice Burroughs

469. Welsh Walks and Legends, HC, by Showell Styles

470. Viewing Wales Series: Welsh Ancient Industries and Handicrafts, PB, by H.J. James

471. Viewing Wales Series: Welsh Witchcraft, PB, by L. Simmonds

472. Viewing Wales Series: Welsh Witchcraft, PB, by L. Simmonds (duplicate copy; which I'm surprised that doesn't happen more)

473. Viewing Wales Series: Wales Long Ago, PB, by W.J. Jones

474. Viewing Wales Series: Welsh Ghosts, PB, by Jeanette Dixon

475. Wonder Tales from China Seas, HC (1924), by Frances Jenkins Olcott

476. Norwegian Folklore Simplified, PB, by Zinken Hopp

477. Korean Lore, HC (1953), by Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea

478. The Tiger's Whisker and Other Tales from Asia and the Pacific, HC, by Harold Courlander

479. How the Monkey Got This Short Tail and Other Stories, HC (1929), collected by Arthur W. Gosling

480. Folktales of England, PB, edited by Katharine M. Briggs and Ruth L. Tongue

481. Fantasy Reader #1: Alien Carnival, PB, by Walt Liebscher

482. Fantasy Reader #2: Food for Demons, PB, by E. Everett Evans

483. Supernatural in Cornwall, PB, by Michael Williams

484. Maori Legends, PB, retold by Alistair Campbell

485. Pagan Cornwall — Land of the Goddess, PB, by Cheryl Straffon

486. The Forest in Folklore and Mythology, PB, by Alexander Porteous

487. The Story of the Rhinegold (told for young people), HC (1899), by Anna Alice Chapin

488. The Japanese Fairy Book, PB, compiled by Yei Theodora Ozaki

489. Italian Fables, PB, by Italo Calvino

490. The All About Story Book, HC (1960), from Platt & Munk

491. D'Aulaires' Trolls, PB (an absolute classic)

492. The Book of Halloween, PB, by Ruth Edna Kelley

493. Goblin Market, PB, by Christina Rossetti

494. Chinese Ancient Fables, PB, published by Foreign Languages Press in Beijing

495. The Brownies: Their Book, PB, by Palmer Cox

496. Spider and Other Stories, PB, by Aunt Clara (I shared and annotated one of these stories in January 2015.)

497. Myths and Folk Tales of the Russian, Western Slavs, and Magyars, PB, by Jeremiah Curtin

498. Russian Fairy Tales, PB, collected by Aleksandr Afanas'ev (one of my desert-island books)

499. East O' the Sun & West O' the Moon (59 Norwegian folk tales), PB, by George Webbe Dasent

500. Norwegian Folk Tales, HC, from the collection of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe (another likely desert-island pick)

501. Albanian Wonder Tales, HC (1935), by Post Wheeler (I wrote about this book in December 2013.)

502. The Art of the Story Teller, PB, by Marie L. Shedlock

503. Donegal Fairy Stories, HC, by Seumas MacManus (I just wrote about this recently.)

504. Welsh Fairy Tales, PB, edited and collected by P.H. Emerson

505. The Classic Fairy Tales, HC, by Iona and Peter Opie

506. The Vanishing People: Fairy Lore and Legends, HC, by Katharine Briggs

507. French Fairy Tales, HC (1869), by Madame La Comtesse De Segur

508. Folktales of Hungary, PB, edited by Linda Dégh

509. The King's Drum and Other African Stories, HC, by Harold Courlander

510. Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Poland, HC, retold by Virginia Haviland

511. Tales Told in Holland, HC, edited by Olive Beaupré Miller (I wrote about this in March 2014.)

512. The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor, HC (1949, The Heritage Press), translated by E. Powys Mathers

513. The Book of Imaginary Beings, HC, by Jorge Luis Borges

514. The White Elephant and Other Tales from India, HC (1929), retold by Georgene Faulkner

515. Andersen's Fairy Tales, HC, translated by Carl Siewers (This was a Christmas present from Joan in 2011. I wrote about it in 2014.)

516. The Pink Fairy Book, HC (The Folio Society), by Andrew Lang

517. The Dragon of the Well, HC, a Christmas gift from Joan that is a retelling of a retelling by Ruth Manning-Sanders

518. The Turnip Princess and Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales, PB, by Franz Xaver von Schönwerth

519. Maynard's English Classic Series: German Fairy Tales, HC (circa 1894), by the Brothers Grimm

520. Grimm's Fairy Stories for Children and the Household, HC (1900), by the Brothers Grimm (translated by Beatrice Marshall)

521. Grimm's Fairy Tales, HC (1885), by the Brothers Grimm (translated by Lucy Crane)

522. Grimm's Household Tales, HC (1915), by the Brothers Grimm (translated by Margaret Hunt)

523. Fairy & Folk Tales of Ireland, PB, edited by W.B. Yeats

524. Icelandic Folktales and Legends, PB, by Jacqueline Simpson

525. Folktales of Iraq, PB, edited and translated by E.S. Stevens

526. The King of the Cats and Other Feline Fairy Tales, HC, edited by John Richard Stephens

527. The Impossible People, HC, by Georgess McHargue

528. The Land of Haunted Castles, PB, by Robert J. Casey

529. Swedish Folktales & Legends, PB, edited by Lone Thygesen Blecher & George Blecher

530. The Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night, Volumes I and II, HC (1934, The Heritage Press), translated and annotated by Richard F. Burton. (These were my grandmother's copies.)

531. The Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night, Volumes III and IV, HC (1934, The Heritage Press), translated and annotated by Richard F. Burton.

532. The Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night, Volumes V and VI, HC (1934, The Heritage Press), translated and annotated by Richard F. Burton.

533. Italian Folktales, PB (Pantheon), by Italo Calvino

534. Eighty Fairy Tales, HC (Pantheon), by Hans Christian Andersen

535. Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World (Volume I), HC (1971 reprint of 1903 edition), edited by Cora Linn Daniels and C.M. Stevans.

536. Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World (Volume II), HC (1971 reprint of 1903 edition), edited by Cora Linn Daniels and C.M. Stevans.

537. Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World (Volume III), HC (1971 reprint of 1903 edition), edited by Cora Linn Daniels and C.M. Stevans.

538. These Are the Voyages, TOS: Season One, HC, by Marc Cushman with Susan Osborn

539. These Are the Voyages, TOS: Season Two, HC, by Marc Cushman with Susan Osborn

540. These Are the Voyages, TOS: Season Three, HC, by Marc Cushman with Susan Osborn

541. The Complete Marvel Tales, 1934-1935, HC, edited by William L. Crawford (compiling the Marvel Tales of Science and Fantasy fanzine)

542. Redshirts, PB, by John Scalzi

543. World War Z, PB, by Max Brooks

544. The Zombie Survival Guide, PB, by Max Brooks

545. The New England Grimpendium, PB, by J.W. Ocker (also the author of #168)

546. Arrow Book of Ghost Stories, PB, edited by Nora Kramer (And here we begin a run of the Scholastic books that I've written about and kept. I wrote about this one in October 2015.)

547. M for Mischief, PB, by Richard Parker

548. Lost Race of Mars, PB, by Robert Silverberg (I wrote about this in October 2014.)

549. Nine Witch Tales, PB, edited by Abby Kedabra (I wrote about this in October 2014.)

550. The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet, PB, by Eleanor Cameron (I wrote about this in October 2014.)

551. Revolt on Alpha C, PB, by Robert Silverberg (I wrote about this in May 2015.)

552. Jonny Quest and the Lost City, PB, by Horace J. Elias (I wrote about this in November 2015.)

553. A Ghost a Witch and a Goblin, PB. (I wrote about this in October 2015.)

554. Fiasco, HC, by Stanisław Lem

555. Mortal Engines, PB, by Stanisław Lem

556. The Star Diaries, PB, by Stanisław Lem

557. Eden, PB, by Stanisław Lem

558. Tales of Pirx the Pilot, PB, by Stanisław Lem

559. The Psychic in the House, HC (1926), by Walter Franklin Prince

560. The Boys' Life Book of Outer Space Stories, HC, selected by the editors of Boys' Life (I wrote about this in November 2015.)

561. Best in Children's Books, Volume 14, HC (1958), by Nelson Doubleday Inc. (This book contains Robin Jacques illustrations, which I wrote about in June 2015.)

562. Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories That Scared Even Me, HC.

563. Fragile Things, HC, by Neil Gaiman

564. The Ocean at the End of the Lane, PB, by Neil Gaiman

565. American Gods, PB, by Neil Gaiman

566. Neverwhere, PB, by Neil Gaiman

567. The Graveyard Book, PB, by Neil Gaiman

568. Trigger Warning, PB, by Neil Gaiman

569. All Our Yesterdays, an informal history of science fiction fandom in the forties, HC, by Harry Warner Jr.

570. A Wealth of Fable, an informal history of science fiction fandom in the 1950s, HC, by Harry Warner Jr.

571. Magic People Around the World, HC, by Barbara Softly

572. The Dark Side, HC, edited by Damon Knight

573. The Best of Fritz Leiber, HC, by Fritz Leiber

574. Titus Groan, PB, by Mervyn Peake

575. The Conan Chronicles, PB, by Robert E. Howard

576. The Conan Chronicles, Volume 2: The Hour of the Dragon, PB, by Robert E. Howard

577. The Soup Stone: The Magic of Familiar Things, HC, by Maria Leach

578. Encyclopedia of Superstitions, HC (1949), by Edwin and Mona A. Radford

579. Tolkien On Fairy-Stories, PB, edited by Verlyn Flieger & Douglas A. Anderson

580. Green Fairy Book, HC (McCay), by Andrew Lang

581. The Red Fairy Book, PB (Dover), by Andrew Lang

582. The Brown Fairy Book, PB (Dover), by Andrew Lang

583. Oxford Dictionary of English Folklore, PB, by Jacqueline Simpson & Steve Roud

584. Omnibus of Science Fiction, HC (1952), edited by Groff Conklin

585. A Treasury of Science Fiction, HC (1948), edited by Groff Conklin

586. The Best of Science Fiction, HC (1946), edited by Groff Conklin

587. The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Nineteenth Series, HC, edited by Edward L. Ferman

588. The Early Pohl, HC, by Frederik Pohl

589. Coming Attractions, HC, edited by Martin Greenberg

590. The Best Science-Fiction Stories and Novels: 1956, HC, edited by T.E. Dikty

591. Legends, Charms and Superstitions of Ireland, PB, by Lady Wilde

592. Chinese Fairy Tales, HC (1946, The Peter Pauper Press)

593. The Encyclopedia of Fantasy, PB, by John Clute and John Grant (very worn; tied for #1 on all-time most-read browsing book at bedtime)

594. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, PB, by John Clute and Peter Nicholls (very worn; tied with #593 for #1 on all-time most-read browsing book at bedtime)

595. The Fantasy Book, An Illustrated History from Dracula to Tolkien, PB, by Franz Rottensteiner

596. I-Know-Not-What, I-Know-Not-Where, A Russian Tale, HC, adapted by Eric A. Kimmel

597. Men From The Village Deep in the Mountains and Other Japanese Folk Tales, HC, by Garrett Bang

598. Fairy Tale Comics, HC, edited by Chris Duffy


599. Tales of the Mysterious and Macabre, HC, by Algernon Blackwood

600. The Empty House, HC, by Algernon Blackwood

601. Best Ghost Stories of Algernon Blackwood, PB

602. The Boats of the "Glen Carrig" and Other Nautical Adventures, HC (Night Shade Books), by William Hope Hodgson

603. The House on the Borderland, PB, by William Hope Hodgson

604. The Casebook of Carnacki — Ghost Finder, PB, by William Hope Hodgson

605. Collected Ghost Stories, HC, by M.R. James

606. Best Ghost Stories of J.S. Le Fanu, PB

607. The Haunting of Hill House, HC, by Shirley Jackson

608. Come Along With Me, PB, by Shirley Jackson

609. We Have Always Lived in the Castle, HC, by Shirley Jackson (I wrote about this acquisition in May 2014.)

610. The Collected Ghost Stories of Mrs. J.H. Riddell, PB

611. The Screaming Skulls and Other Ghosts, PB, by Elliott O'Donnell

612. Avon Ghost Reader, PB (1946)

613. Humor, Horror and the Supernatural, 22 stories by Saki, PB

614. Carmilla, PB, by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (I wrote about this in October 2014.)

615. The Witch House and Other Tales Our Settlers Told, PB, by Joseph and Edith Raskin (I wrote about this in October 2014.)

616. A Gathering of Ghost Stories, PB, by Robertson Davies

617. The Night Land, Volume 1, PB, by William Hope Hodgson

618. The Night Land, Volume 2, PB, by William Hope Hodgson

619. M.R. James — The Book of Ghost Stories, PB, edited by Peter Haining

620. Stories of the Supernatural, PB, edited by Betty M. Owen

621. The House on the Borderland, PB, by William Hope Hodgson (This is the fabulous Ace paperback I wrote about in April 2014.)

622. The House on the Borderland, PB, by William Hope Hodgson (A second copy of that fabulous Ace paperback. Because it's fabulous.)

623. The Mammoth Book of 20th Century Ghost Stories, PB, edited by Peter Haining

624. The Dead of Night — The Ghost Stories of Oliver Onions, PB

625. Ghost Stories, PB, chosen by Robert Westall (includes "John Pettigrew's Mirror" by Ruth Manning-Sanders)

626. The Complete John Silence Stories, PB, by Algernon Blackwood

627. Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories, PB, by Nathaniel Hawthorne

628. Tar Heel Ghosts, PB, by John Harden

629. The Hill of Dreams, PB, by Arthur Machen

630. Gods, Men and Ghosts, The Best Supernatural Fiction of Lord Dunsany, PB, edited by E.F. Bleiler

631. Great Ghost Stories, PB, edited by John Grafton

632. Ghost and Horror Stories of Ambrose Bierce, PB

633. Selected Short Stories of Algernon Blackwood, Stories of Mystery and Imagination, PB (Armed Services Edition)

634. Help for the Haunted, A Decade of Vera Van Slyke Ghostly Mysteries, PB, by Tim Prasil

635. Giving Up the Ghosts, Short-Lived Occult Detective Series by Six Renowned Authors, PB, edited by Tim Prasil

636. Lonely Haunts, PB, by Sir Thomas Graham Jackson and Mrs. H.D. Everett

637. Ancient Haunts, PB, by E.G. Swain and Arthur Gray

638. The Directory of Possibilities, PB, edited by Colin Wilson and John Grant

639. Ghosts Around the House, HC, by Susy Smith

640. The Night Season, Lost Tales From the Golden Age of Macabre, PB, edited by Duane Parsons

641. Historic Ghosts and Ghost Hunters, PB, by H. Addington Bruce

642. Stephen King's Danse Macabre, PB

643. The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, second edition, PB, by Rosemary Ellen Gulley

644. Marvel Firsts, The 1960s, PB

645. Marvel Masterworks, Doctor Strange, Volume 1, HC

646. Marvel Masterworks, The Sub-Mariner, Volume 1, HC

647. Marvel Omnibus, The Avengers, Volume 2, HC

648. Marvel Omnibus, The Infinity Gauntlet, HC


649. The Book of Lists, PB, by David Wallechinsky, Irving Wallace and Amy Wallace

650. The Theological Miscellany, HC, by T.J. McTavish

651. Schott's Sporting, Gaming & Idling Miscellany, HC, by Ben Schott

652. Schott's Food & Drink Miscellany, HC, by Ben Schott

653. A Book About a Thousand Things, HC, by George Stimpson

654. Questions & Answers, 14th Series, PB, by E. Haldeman-Julius (I still intend to blog about this socialist from the first half of the 20th century someday.)

655. Questions & Answers, 22nd Series, PB, by E. Haldeman-Julius

656. Rare Books Uncovered, HC, by Rebecca Rego Barry

657. Between the World and Me, HC, by Ta-Nehisi Coates

658. The Big Roads, PB, by Earl Swift

659. The Great Influenza, The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History, PB, by John M. Barry (Joan's book; currently on loan to me)

660. The Office Price Guide to Old Books & Autographs, seventh edition, PB, from the editors of the House of Collectibles (includes a terrific 150+ page section on book terminology)

661. The Lost Track of Time, HC, by Paige Britt (my current read)

662. Marvel Omnibus, The Avengers, Volume 1, HC


663. The Annotated Hobbit, HC, by J.R.R. Tolkien, annotated by Douglas A. Anderson

664. The Fellowship of the Ring, HC, by J.R.R. Tolkien (the hardcovers in slipcase set)

665. The Two Towers, HC, by J.R.R. Tolkien

666. The Return of the King, HC, by J.R.R. Tolkien

667. Life In America: The Midwest, HC, by Walter Havighurst (I wrote about this in November 2015.)

668. Little John of New England (The Children of America Stories), HC, by Madeline Brandeis (I wrote about this in August 2015.)

669. Tales From Far and Near (History Stories of Other Lands), HC, edited by Arthur Guy Terry

670. The Hemispheres (Social Geography Series), HC (1931), by Frederick K. Branom and Helen M. Ganey

671. Handbook of the Law of Municipal Corporations, HC (1914), by Roger W. Cooley (I wrote about this in July 2011, because of its connection to Elbert Nostrand Carvel.)

672. What Every One Should Know, HC (1888), compiled by S.H. Burt

673. America, Yesterday and Today, HC (1943), by Roy F. Nichols, William C. Bagley and Charles A. Beard

674. John L. Stoddard's Lectures, Volume 7, The Rhine, Belgium, Holland, Mexico, HC

675. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, HC (1914), edited by William George Clark and William Aldis Wright

676. My Book House, Volume 3, Up One Pair of Stairs, HC, edited by Olive Beaupré Miller

677. My Book House, Volume 4, Through the Gate, HC, edited by Olive Beaupré Miller

678. My Book House, Volume 5, Over the Hills, HC, edited by Olive Beaupré Miller

679. My Book House, Volume 11, In Shining Armor, HC, edited by Olive Beaupré Miller

680. Last Stories and Other Stories, HC, by William T. Vollman

681. Fourth of July Creek, HC, by Smith Henderson

682. The Bone Clocks, HC, by David Mitchell

683. Slade House, HC, by David Mitchell

684. All the Light We Cannot See, HC, by Anthony Doerr

685. The Frangipani Hotel, HC, by Violet Kupersmith

686. The Nürnberg Stove, HC, by Maria Louise Ramé (aka Ouida) (I wrote about this in July 2013.)

687. The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet, PB, by David Mitchell

688. The Museum of Extraordinary Things, PB, by Alice Hoffman

689. Inherent Vice, PB, by Thomas Pynchon

690. Flash Fiction, PB, edited by James Thomas, Denise Thomas & Tom Hazuka

691. A Good Man Is Hard to Find, PB, by Flannery O'Connor

692. The Secret of Terror Castle (The Three Investigators #1), HC, by Robert Arthur (I wrote about this in October 2015.)

693. Wildwood, PB, by Colin Meloy

694. Heap House (Iremonger Book 1), HC, by Edward Carey

695. Foulsham (Iremonger Book 2), HC, by Edward Carey

696. Hollow City, PB, by Ransom Riggs

697. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, PB, by J.K. Rowling

698. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, PB, by J.K. Rowling

699. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, PB, by J.K. Rowling

700. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, PB, by J.K. Rowling

701. The Thirteenth Tale, HC, by Diane Setterfield

702. Pocket Zoo of Wild Animals, A Merry-Go-Round Mini-Book, tiny PB (1974, Scholastic)

703. The Night Before Christmas, tiny PB (1973, Scholastic), by Clement C. Moore

704. Master of All Masters, a folktale, pictures by Lisl Weil, tiny PB (1973, Scholastic, A Lucky Mini-book, Vol. 7)

705. Jack the Giant-Killer, pictures by Edward Gory, tiny PB (1973, Scholastic, A Lucky Mini-book, Vol. 4)

706. Selections from Dippy Dos & Don'ts, by Michael Sage and Arnold Spilka, tiny PB (1973, Scholastic, A Lucky Mini-book, Vol. 3)

707. The Truth According to Us, HC, by Annie Barrows

708. Complete Poems of Edgar Allen Poe, HC (The Heritage Press) (This was my grandmother's; see her bookplate here.)

709. If on a winter's night a traveler, PB, by Italo Calvino

710. Invisible Cities, PB, by Italo Calvino

711. The Baron in the Trees, PB, by Italo Calvino

712. The Solidtudes, PB, by John Crowley

713. Novelties & Souvenirs, Collected Short Fiction, PB, by John Crowley

714. The Strange Library, PB, by Haruki Murakami

715. The Old Man and the Sea, PB, by Ernest Hemingway

716. The Great Gatsby, PB, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

717. The House With a Clock in Its Walls, PB, by John Bellairs

718. The Ghost in the Mirror, PB, by John Bellairs and Brad Strickland

719. Labyrinths, PB, by Jorge Luis Borges

720. Diving Belles, PB, by Lucy Wood

721. Death of a Salesman, PB, by Arthur Miller

722. Rip Van Winkle & Legend of Sleepy Hollow, PB, by Washington Irving

723. Of Mice and Men, PB, by John Steinbeck

724. To Kill a Mockingbird, PB, by Harper Lee

725. The Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, PB, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

726. The Hound of the Baskervilles, PB, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

727. A Brief History of the United States, HC (1885) (I wrote about this book in two posts in January 2015.)

728. At the Defense of Pittsburgh, HC (1916), by Harrie Irving Hancock (I wrote about this book in May 2013.)

729. Sanders' Union Reader Number Three, HC (1862), by Charles W. Sanders (I wrote about this book in November 2015.)

And ... that's all!

Unless you include books currently out on loan, the collection of Pennsylvania Dutch recipe booklets, some old Dungeons & Dragons modules, a handful of stored-away books related to past or potential future Papergreat posts, and the dozen unopened boxes of early 20th century juvenile fiction that I bought last summer and stored in my closet.

But we're not going to include those.

So that's all.

This has been a bibliophilistic snapshot of a moment in time on my bookshelves. The inventory will never look precisely like this again. At some point in the next few days, some books are sure to depart and/or arrive.

Hmmm, maybe I should have created this post as an editable spreadsheet.

Oh well. Too late. Time to go read.

1 comment:

  1. 1. What about the Papergreat anthologies??
    2. 2 booklike items arrived in today's mail.
    3. I want to borrow Plutopia!
    4. We need to collate our Entire House Inventories into one place.
    5. Yay books!
    6. Especial yay to The Dragon At the Well Retold Edition :)
