For Valentine's Day, here are some pretty awesome vintage cards that were delivered to teachers many decades ago.
1. A Valentine For Teacher
This heart-shaped card was given "To My Teacher" by Ruth Ramsey. The text on the inside states:
"I couldn't speak before the others ... Couldn't tell you o'er the phone ... But I'd like to whisper softly ... Just for your ear alone— ... MY TEACHER is A-NUMBER 1."
2. I've The Nicest Teacher in the World
This heart-shaped, globe-themed valentine was for Miss Spott, from Fyetta.
2 There is no text beyond that. (As a minor aside, the depiction of North and South American on the globe is fairly poor, don't you think?)
3. To My Teacher
My, what rosy cheeks! This valentine was given to Mabel Spotts by Pearl Waterman.
2 The card opens up to give the following pre-printed message:
"Though I'm not big enough to say
Most anything the grown-up way
Of this I'm sure as sure can be
My teacher means a lot to me!"
4. A Valentine For My Teacher
This mathematics-intensive card was given to Miss Spotts by George M. The illustration of the desk folds out to the left, and an additional message states:
5. You Pass All the Tests, Be My Valentine
This card, made in the United States, simply states "RONALD" on the back. I'm thinking the teacher's use of the bell was a bit antiquated, even for the decade that this card was produced. But I could be wrong.
6. You're My Valentine Today
Remember when school days didn't start until 9 a.m.? The front of the card states: "I May Be Late For School Today ... But Do Not Scold Me, Please." And the inside finishes: "I'll Never Be Too Late to Say that you're my Valentine today."
So, do we think the apple is sufficient to get her out of trouble? Will she still have to go bang out the erasers behind the schoolhouse?
The card was given to Mrs. Mabel Geiger by Margaret Ann.
See all of Papergreat's vintage valentines
1. Two other cards refer to her last name as Spotts, so we'll have to assume, though from a tiny sample size, that Spotts is correct.
2. Alas: "Your search - 'Mabel Spotts' 'Pearl Waterman' - did not match any documents."