Friday, February 8, 2013

Rules governing the library of McKees Rocks M.E. Sunday School

This notice is pasted down on the inside front cover of the undated novel "The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands" by R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894). On the second page, there is also an inscription that states:

By S.S.
Feb 28 - 1912
To M.E. Church

M.E. likely stands for Methodist Episcopal Church. It has since been merged into the United Methodist Church.

The rules, as laid out, are fairly specific and strict. I find it interesting that a Sunday School library would have a system of fines. Assuming that these rules were issued around 1900, a fine of a nickel per week then would be the equivalent of nearly $1.40 per week now. Ouch!

McKees Rocks
is a borough in western Pennsylvania, about four miles northwest of Pittsburgh.

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