Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday's postcard: A color-coordinated Holiday Inn

This is a postcard from (best guess) the late 1960s or early 1970s by Robert Freeman Photography of Big Bear Lake, California.

That's a lovely color-coordinated Holiday Inn, isn't it?

The text on the back reads: "Holiday Inn of Santa Maria is located just off Hwy. 101 at 1405 Main Street. Its 125 sound proofed rooms all have color cable T.V. and are situated separately from the Restaurant, Cocktail Lounge, Patio and heated pool."

To the best of my knowledge (employing a little help from Google Earth), this building no longer exists.

As for the minor mystery aspect of this postcard, I have not yet determined whether the Robert Freeman of "Robert Freeman Photography" is the same man who is famous for his work with The Beatles and their album covers.

That would be something, if he juggled Holiday Inn postcards and also the photography for the With The Beatles, Beatles for Sale, Help! and Rubber Soul album covers?


  1. That is a cool postcard. It is always wonderful to see old pictures of these places and compare them with the present. If the guy that took that is the photographer of Beatles then that may be a collector's item.

  2. The hotel now serves as an assisted living facility.
