This illustration was on a loose page inside an box of miscellaneous ephemera that Joan and I picked up at a York County auction on March 12.1 (Click on the image to view a larger version.)
It seemed an appropriate image to post here on the first day of spring.
In tiny type under the illustration are the credits: "PAINTED BY A. BOUVIER"2 and "ENGRAVED BY E. TEEL".
Under the word "SPRING", it reads "Engraved Expressly for the Ladies Repository".
That's a reference to The Ladies' Repository, a monthly magazine that was based in Cincinnati and produced by the Methodist Episcopal Church. It was published from 1841 to 1876.
And, if an old eBay listing I came across is accurate, the illustration is from an 1852 issue of the magazine.
1. It was another Stermer's auction. I wrote here about an earlier one I attended.
2. Possibly Augustus Jules Bouvier?
I just love how you find all of these great treasures.