Sunday, March 13, 2011

"He Stole Other Men's Jobs -- And Women"

The Book Cover of the Day is from "The Wire God" by Jack Willard, which was published in 1954.

The cover blurbs include:
  • He Stole Other Men's Jobs -- And Women
  • "Fast-moving, well-salted with sex" Oregon Journal

And, from the back cover: "He sold his women a bill of goods -- his friends down the river -- and himself into the most powerful spot in a fabulous wire service empire."

For more information about "wire service empires", check out Wikipedia's entries on the Associated Press and teleprinter1.

And if you want to see more amusing book covers this afternoon, check out the Weird Book Room on, which includes such great titles as "Snow Caves for Fun & Survival", "A Popular History of British Seaweeds", "The Radiation Recipe Book", and "All About Scabs".

1. My favorite Associated Press wire story of recent years, from October 29, 2008:

BC-BBO--World Series,0375
A long time coming: Phillies win the World Series
Eds: APNewsNow. Phillies 4, Rays 3.
AP Photo WS136, WS138
AP Baseball Writer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — From losingest team to longest game, the Philadelphia Phillies are World Series champions.

1 comment:

  1. I think my favorite is the "well salted with sex" description on the cover. They didn't pull any punches, huh?
