Monday, May 7, 2012

1983 student photos from Journ 260

I'll pick up just about anything that piques my interest when I'm out scouting for old paper. Especially stuff that probably should have been tossed into the trash years ago, but somehow made it into an antiques/junk store, like the one in York New Salem, York County.1

These two photos come from that store. They're student photos from a 1983 college journalism class, Journ 260. (Not sure what college.) The photos have been mounted on black, heavy-stock cardboard.

Since 1983 isn't that long ago, I won't include the student's name here on Papergreat, but his initials are SSY.

The above photo is dated April 26, 1983. That caption states: "Cindy Williams, Rutgers, sizes up Pat McCormack at third base during the Rutgers-Ohio State game."

The instructor's comments, written in ink, are: "Solid frame -- a bit more contrast would really help. Also #47's face could be just a bit lighter. Otherwise a good job."

Here's the second photo:

This one is dated May 10, 1983, and SSY's caption states: "Bill Summers finds a secluded spot on campus to complete an assignment."

And the instructor's comments are: "Nice print of a rather routine image. The pix would be better if the guy was closer to the bottom of the frame."

Here you go, SSY. I've recropped it for you...

1. York New Salem's antiques/junk store is a particular favorite of Blake Stough, who authors the the dandy Preserving York blog, which has recently featured posts about Indian Rock Dam and an ice-cream scoop from a funeral home.

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