Thursday, August 23, 2012

Another one: Bookseller's label for Cotterel-Ebner Co. of Harrisburg

On the heels of this morning's bookseller's label, here's another one. The inch-wide label is for Cotterel-Ebner Co. of Harrisburg and it's on the inside front cover of "Just Folks," a 1917 collection of poetry by Edgar A. Guest.1

Unlike the bookseller in this morning's post, however, there is not a wealth of information online about the history of Cotterel-Ebner Co., which was not specifically focused on bookselling.

So I'll be looking for tips and insight from readers to help flesh out Cotterel-Ebner's place in central Pennsylvania history.

Here's what I've found so far:
  • There was at least one Cotterel-Ebner building in Harrisburg.
  • Other businesses were also located within the Cotterel-Ebner building in the 1920s, including the Harrisburg Auto Census Bureau, The Irvin-Lloyd Co., and Harrisburg Credit Exchange.
  • This classified advertisement appeared in Publishers' Weekly in the early 1920s:
    "WANTED Man or woman to take charge of our book department. Must have had at least five years' experience in buying books. Give full details in first letter: Applications will be held strictly confidential. COTTEREL-EBNER COMPANY, 9 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa."
  • This article about the company buying a new building appears in the 87th volume of "American Stationer and Office Manager," which was published in 1920:

  • And this short article about the company appears in the 36th volume of "Office Appliances," which was published in 1922:

1. Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959) wrote about 11,000 poems, which were collected in more than 20 books. The dedication page of "Just Folks" states: "To the Little Mother and the Memory of the Big Father, This Simple Book Is Affectionately Dedicated."

1 comment:

  1. I have a advertising piece from this company
