Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Advertising card from Pottstown, Pa.: "Base Ball at our Picnic"

I love the wonderful, exaggerated baseball illustration on this advertising card, which appears to be dated 1888. (The type is so tiny, though, that I'm not 100 percent sure of that.)

The card, which is 4¼ inches wide, serves as an advertisement for Geo. W. Gilbert, who was a "dealer in pianos, organs, sheet music & musical merchandise" and was located at 107 High Street in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, at that time in the 19th century.

In the lower-right corner are the words "GAST N.Y." I suppose that could be either the artist or the printer.

It's not hard to imagine that this is the last of this particular card in existence.

Here's a closer look at part of the illustration, with its caged baseball umpire.

Here are some interesting links with more information and stories about 19th century baseball-themed advertising cards:

Other posts that mention Pottstown

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