Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Colorful 1970: "Christmas With All The Trimmings"

Christmas With All The Trimmings is a staplebound booklet that was published in 1970 by Wm. E. Wright. Co., a textile company specializing in home sewing. It appears to have been published in conjunction with Woman's Day magazine, as Needlework Editor Roxa Wright writes in an short introduction: "We hope this little book will stimulate you to try new ways of using the multiplicity of materials now at your fingertips."

There are ideas for candy/cookie containers, party favors, door decorations, scarfs, belts, waste baskets, gift boxes, tree ornaments, stockings, desk accessories, card holders, table cloths, holiday fashions and more. All in the colors marking the the start of the 1970s, a decade that would see some transition from psychedelic tones to "earthy" ones.

But I'll let the photos speak for themselves. First up: some festive candy containers.
These two sewing projects are referred to as Silly Snail and Myrtle the Turtle. 
Stockings to hang by the chimney with care.
And, finally, some very 1970 fashions for the neighborhood Christmas party. Want more ephemeral Christmas content? Here's a place to start for Papergreat's past posts.

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