Monday, January 30, 2012

A trio of cool cover illustrations

Let's start off the week with three wonderful book-cover illustrations that I came across over the weekend.

This above illustration is from the torn dust jacket to the 1922 novel "Georgina Finds Herself" by Shirley Watkins.

You already know that I'm a sucker for illustrations of young ladies reading books. So, naturally, I was drawn to this piece of artwork featuring Georgina sitting in a window alcove and sporting a pair of nifty red slippers!

Pictured above is the front cover of "A Text-Book of Nursing," compiled by Clara S. Weeks and published in 1888 by D. Appleton and Company. I love the gold lettering, which looks practically hand-drawn, and the line illustration of the sick woman in bed.

Finally, here's the cover of 1909's "The Submarine Boys' Trial Trip" by Victor G. Durham. This adventure series was published by Henry Altemus Company1 of Philadelphia.

Eight books in this series were published between 1909 and 1920. ("Trial Trip" was the second in the series.)

If you check out this excellent web page on, you can find out all you ever wanted to know about the Submarine Boys, including the title of the never-published ninth book in the series. One interesting note is that this same cover illustration was used throughout the series.

I also highly recommend this in-depth history of the Altemus Juvenile Series on the same website. The Altemus titles were in competition with the Stratemeyer Syndicate juvenile-fiction books that I wrote about last April.

1. Henry Altemus Company was previously mentioned in "American flag history, compliments of Leinbach & Bro. in Reading."

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