Shown above are two detail shots form today's advertisement, which takes up a full page and is too large for my scanner. You can get a sense of the entire advertisement to the right.
Magazine: The Ladies' Home Journal
Date: November 1919
Company: The Hipolite Company, St. Louis, Missouri
Product: Hip-o-lite marshmallow creme
Excerpts from the voluminous text: Can You Make a Cake Filling That "Stands Up"? -- a frosting that Will Not Run? -- prepare the sauce for Marshmallow Sundae? or add a professional touch to home desserts? These Are Problems Which the Modern Housekeeper Says Are Really Not Problems At All!
Hip-o-lite is an exquisite marshmallow the exact consistency of the filling found in cakes supplied by the best caterers. In fact, it is the same preparation caterers use for that purpose. Hence, as a cake filling or frosting it is ready for instant use without cooking or the addition of eggs or other ingredients. You merely spread it on the layers and over the cake as you spread butter on bread.
As a filling or frosting, Hip-o-lite costs less than the home-made kind. As a sauce, somewhat less than plain cream and sugar. AND — as it will not "spoil," even after being opened, the element of waste is entirely eliminated.
"Drug Store Ice Cream" remains just what it is — until it is served with marshmallow sauce. Then it becomes a charming emergency dessert to meet the approval of even the most critical of guests.
Hip-o-lite is on sale grocers' everywhere. If yours happens to be without it, send us his name and we will arrange to supply you through him.
This is such a BEAUTIFUL advertisement. Thank-you for posting it. I've never thought of Marshmallow as glamorous until now!