It's broken down by boys' camps and girls' camps, and includes some of the details presented in the advertisements.
- Camp Riverdale (Long Lake, New York): "Wilderness camp for boys in a famous hunting and fishing region. Mountain climbing, mastery of the woods, of the water, and of boats." [This camp closed in 1964, according to this website.]
- Camp Wonposet (Bantam Lake, Connecticut): "Write for booklet." [Camp closed in 1997, but there's a Facebook page.]
- Camp Oxford (Oxford, Maine): "A healthful, happy, helpful summer place for boys."
- The Gilmanton Camp (Gilmanton, New Hampshire): "Equipment unsurpassed. Expenses moderate. Impossible to describe here."
- Camp Wampanoag (Cape Code, Massachusetts): "Scouting over old Indian trails, land and water sports, prizes."
- Navajo Camps for Boys on the Maine Coast: "Mountain climbing, boating, wonderful motor-boat and sail cruises, swimming, fishing, athletic sports."
- Camp Winona (Moose Pond, Maine): "For boys, 8 to 15 years of age." [Still around!]
- Minne-Wawa (Algonquin National Park, Ontario, Canada): "Booklet."
- Camp Katahdin (in the Maine Woods): "The place to make boys manly."
- St. Regis Camp for Boys (the Adirondacks): "Free tutoring in all subjects by experienced graduates. All land and water sports. Character building. Terms moderate."
- Camp Ken-Jocketee (Vermont): "Riding, swimming, boating and mountain climbing."
- Sargent Camp (Peterboro, New Hampshire): "On our own lake. ... Amateur theatricals, music. Food from farm. Songs and stories around the camp fire." [Still around! Called Sargent Center.]
- Camp Eagle Point (Stinson Lake, New Hampshire): "The fields, woods, and waters. Athletics, water sports, horseback riding. ... Real camp life without discomfort."
- Camp Fairweather (Francestown, New Hampshire): "Field and water sports, nature study, mountain climbing, dancing, elective instruction, tutoring."
- Camp Wabanaki (Lake George, New York): "Instruction by a specialist in arts and crafts. Designing, out-of-door sketching, basketry, stenciling and leather work, water sports, tennis and nature study."
- Wyonegonic Camps for Girls (Moose Pond, Maine): "Three separate camps, ages 9 to 21" [Still around! Is the "oldest continuously-run camp for girls in America."]
- Kill-Kare Kamp (Mount Vernon, Maine): "Practical domestic science if desired." [This is a Kill Kare Kamp cottage that was established in 1917 and is still in operation. But I don't see anything about the Kamp itself.]
- Camp Teconnet (China Lake, Maine): "On our own island. ... New dining hall, assembly house and tents. Swimming, fishing, canoeing, motor boating."
- Quanset (Cape Cod, Massachusetts): "Swimming, canoeing, sailing, taught under the safest conditions. ... Original musical comedy under able leadership. Weaving."
- Chatham Woods Camps (South Chatham, New Hampshire): "Fourth season. Booklet."
- Alford Lake Camp for Girls (South Hope, Maine): "Bungalows and tents among the woods. Outdoor and indoor dining rooms, swimming, tennis, basketball, horseback riding, mountain trips." [Still around! Here's their Facebook page.]
- Pine Tree Camp for Girls (on the summit of the Poconos, Pennsylvania): "Outdoor sports, carefully supervised. Swimming, canoeing at option of parents. Nature study."
- Camp Winnecomack (Munsonville, New Hampshire): "All land and water sports, horseback riding."
- Camp Setag (the Adirondacks): "Booklet."
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