Saturday, March 18, 2017

Mary Ingham Otto, 1948-2017

Mom and me (1971)

Hello, readers. My wonderful mom, Mary Ingham Otto, died suddenly on March 2. It's been a difficult couple of weeks, and the services and burial won't take place until we can get the family gathered together in early April, to lay her to rest near her grandparents and her mother.

Mom was Papergreat's #1 reader and #1 fan. She would send concerned emails if I went more than a few days without giving her something new to examine and read.

She wasn't a big fan of the comments system, though. All of her stuff showed up as Anonymous. But I always knew which ones were hers. The last feedback she gave to me regarded the February 20th post "1912 softball team at Miss Capen's School for Girls," which dealt with oft-mentioned Greta Chandler Adams, her grandmother.

"Love this entry," Mom wrote to me in an email. "Did you know that Grandma had auburn hair?"

I had not known that.

That exchange also spurred another discussion of Linden Hall School for Girls in Lititz, Pennsylvania, my mom's alma mater. Founded in 1746, it's the oldest boarding school for girls in the United States.

As remarked upon the success of this winter's basketball team, Mom wrote: "When I played, it was in the old gym. ... There was one foot of space between out of bounds lines and the wall. You didn't want to be headed fast for the sidelines during the game."

Mom's last email, on March 1, was to tell me that she was "enjoying the rainy day." She and I were both very keen Weather Watchers.

Mom was an amazing person, and I am already missing her greatly. I'll be writing and remembering a lot about her this year.


  1. I enjoy your blog and am so sorry to hear about your mother. Prayers to you and your family - may you see her again one day.

    1. Thank you for your kind note and prayers. They are appreciated.

  2. Sorry to hear of your loss, Chris. It's clear you had special bond and common love with her. No one well remembered ever dies.

  3. I was wondering what the Papergreat Tribute would be and this was perfect. <3

  4. Chris. I was devastated to hear of your Mom's passing. My partner Kevin and I have cruised with your Mom several times and we always kept in touch. I am so sorry for you, and having lost my Mom a couple years ago, it is a very difficult journey in healing. Your Mom was so very proud of you, Adriane and her beloved grandkids. She was a dear friend and a fantastic lady. Be at peace knowing she is at peace. Art and Kevin, Vancouver, CANADA

  5. Your mother passed during the time that I had basically fallen off the face of the Earth and I'm sorry about that. I don't know that I could have helped in any tangible way; but I regret that I wasn't around to try.
    I love your posts about her and it's plain to see her influences in the man that you've become.
