Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A handful of artistic travel snapshots taken by my grandmother

My grandmother, Helen Chandler Adams Ingham (1919-2003), traveled the world extensively and was superb at many things, including her career in the field of medicine, genealogy research, gardening, croquet, and bridge.

Photography, though, wasn't her strongest suit.

In the past decade or so, I have sorted through hundreds of her photos that were taken during trips to various corners of the globe, mostly in the 1970s and 1980s. Alas, a high percentage of those snapshots are not terribly interesting or worth keeping. (And, in her partial defense, the quality of cameras used by non-professionals during that time was not excellent, especially compared to what we have today.) The good news is that, given how many photos she took, I still have a representative sample of quality shots from each trip. That's all I need, not a shoebox full.

I have also been setting aside some photographs that, to my eye, represent some of her more artistic work, knowingly or unknowingly. So what follows is a gallery of those artsy shots, full frame and uncropped. Enjoy my grandmother's best!

Helen's caption: "Stockholm Town Hall"

"Stave Church Norway"

No caption, but I believe this is The Little Mermaid statue
in Copenhagen, Denmark

(Full disclosure: My grandmother had the worst handwriting in the family.
I think this one says "going up Montserrat" on the back.)

Somewhere in France


Unknown. Scandinavia? United Kingdom?

"Little girls all wear long dresses."
(I believe this in Spain.)

1 comment:

  1. "Somewhere in France" is the town of Cordes-sur-Ciel in the south of the country: http://cordessurciel.eu

    The hotel and restaurant indicated by the sign in Grandmother Helen's photograph is referenced here: https://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2012/05/19/1357043-yves-thuries-cede-le-grand-ecuyer-de-cordes.html

    Grand Écuyer translates as Great Squire.

    -- Monsieur Felt
