This York, Pennsylvania, postcard was used in a curious fashion 101 years ago. It was loaded into a typewriter, and back of the card contains a lengthy typewritten note. There are creases where the card once went through that typewriter roller.
The card wasn't mailed, though. No room was left for a stamp or recipient's address. Maybe it was mailed in an envelope. Or perhaps it was delivered by an owl courier. We also don't know the identity of either the sender or recipient — just the date of the note. Here it is:
4/4/17.That's certainly a head-scratcher. There are some things going on between the lines of that century-old message that we will never know about. Regarding the mention of Ness's School-house, there was a one-room school in Windsor Township, York County, by that name.
The phone was somewhat out of order last evening and you know we could hardly understand anything — will tell you about it when I see you. I understood you that they are going to have the entertainment Thurs. & Satur. Even. well if it is nice that I can use the Auto. I will be at Ness's School-house Thurs. Even., but if it should happen to rain — will be at your place Satur. Even. in good time and than we can decide wheter [sic] we want to go to York or at the entertainment. Will expect seeing your Thurs. Night and also intent taking you home, as it is a pretty good walk for you both ways, but you need not take me in the house as I said Sun. Even., you know I said that only in fun — I would not expect you to take me in the house through the week yet, so do not worry what I said Sun. night. Hoping to see you tomorrow night, I remain your friend,
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