To get things started on Christmas Eve, here's a colorful postcard with the Swedish caption of "Lycklig Jul," which translates to Merry Christmas. It's another tree adorned with candles; there have been many of those in recent days on Papergreat. We have a bit more diversity of toys for these children than some of the other cards. I especially like the white bear riding the elephant. There are also a doll, a book and more for this trio. I would, of course, be the kid in the foreground with his nose buried in the book.
This postcard was made in Germany and published by Frederik Peterson, 36 Bromfield Street, in Boston, Massaschusetts. In 2009, the Postcardy blog1 featured three other Frederik Peterson Christmas postcards, all very much like this one. (And all beautiful.)
This postcard was mailed in December 1912 from Rockford, Illinois, to Grand Rapids, Michigan. The short cursive message states: "Lycka till en Glad Jul från Mr. and Mrs. Johnson," which translates to Good luck and Merry Christmas from Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.
1. Postcardy's L.F. Appel has commented on previous Papergreat posts. Postcardy ran from 2006 to 2017 and has been followed by Postcardy 2.0, which had many great posts from October 2015 to October 2018 but currently appears to be on hiatus. Another related blog is Postcard Gems. All of these are superb websites to check out if you want to learn more about postcards
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