Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Two postcards mailed by my
great-grandmother Greta

Greta Miriam Chandler Adams (1894-1988), my great-grandmother, spent much of her time traveling the world, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. Here are a couple of postcards that I pulled, pretty much at random, from the mail that she sent back to her husband, daughter and grandchildren (including my mother, Mary) back in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

The top card shows the cliffside Hotel Excelsior (which opened in 1834) in Sorrento, Italy. There's no date and I can't read a date on the postmark. It's mailed to my mom and my Uncle Charles, and I'd guess it was sent in the early to mid 1960s, when they were teenagers. The cursive note from Greta states:
Sat a.m.
Off for Capri, a nice warm day. Shops open at 8, so I have already been in there. Woke up early. You would love it here! Met some nice people on tour. Glen Ridge, N.J., couple I have talked to alot. No real young people. Lots of Americans here. 

The second card  show Piscadera Bay Club in CuraƧao, Netherlands Antilles. Apparently it's fun to relax on the cannons there. This card is dated April 1, 1966, and Greta mailed it to her daughter, who she oddly addresses as "Mrs. Adams Ingham" (my grandmother Helen was long since divorced at that point). This message states:

How are you? Hot weather Wed. & Thur. On ocean to-day so cooler — just right. Went in bathing & heard lecture about Jamaica & Haiti & a travelogue. What about perfume for you? Not heard. No parka around. Still meeting new people. No rain. 



Here are the stamps (Jamaica land shells) that Greta used for this card.

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