Sunday, May 12, 2024

Weird Ramen

I was at Walmart recently to stock up on cat food when I saw a display filled with these two "Limited Edition" ramen noodle cups from Nissin. There's "Breakfast," which is artificially flavored with maple syrup pancakes, sausage and eggs. And "Everything Bagel," with cream cheese and artificial flavors.

The display case was full. I was probably the first person who approached it.

I've been eating a lot of ramen noodles the past year. It's fast and filling, just like when I was in college. And now I enjoy experimenting and adding different things to the soup base: garlic, onions, egg, plant-based meatballs, parmesan, Old Bay, paprika and other stuff. (I even tried peanut butter once.) I've never thought to craft a bowl that tasted like breakfast or a cream-cheese bagel, but now I have that opportunity, thanks to Nissin. Unsurprising, Nissin once had a limited edition Pumpkin Spice ramen cup, but I missed that when it rolled around. I'm not sorry.

I've featured some odd foods on Papergreat occasionally over the years, mostly gelatins/apsics and some posts about deviled ham. One of these days I'd like to do some deep dives into mid-century and especially 1970s food products and packaging. There's so much weirdness to mine and discuss there. I mean, just look at this!
Goblin meat pudding (Goblin was the company name, not the type of meat. I think.)

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