Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Guest post: Ashar's awesome shelfies and work as a collector

Ashar, who turns 25 next month, has been creating content on the internet since at least as far back as 2012, and probably earlier. He said I could repost his latest Instagram post onto Papergreat for posterity, and I'm proud to do so...

The long awaited Ryan, Blake, and Colleen Hoover movie/book and Deadpool shelf update ⚔️ \|/

Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I love, admire, adore, and respect Ryan and his wife Blake a whole bunch. They are extremely talented, caring, hardworking people that are both extremely good at what they do not only as actors but as business owners.

This collection has been on of my proudest achievements and I’m so immensely proud of it. No words could possibly describe the amount of work, money, and dedication something like this takes especially since some of Ryan’s older movies are extremely hard to find.

Mind you I don’t even own EVERY movie Ryan has been in on DVD yet but that is my end goal. I will admit I honestly don’t really have enough room for anymore of his movies right now because my DVD shelf alone is at capacity since the DVDs alone touch the top of the shelf. You may be wondering if that will stop me from getting or finding more of his DVDs and the honest answer is no it will not. Even if I constantly have to keep reorganising this shelf to make everything fit I will even if it does my head in because it brings me so much joy and gets me ever closer to my ultimate goal.

Also if you’re wondering I have not opened either the Wolverine or Deadpool Limited Edition Aviation Gin bottles nor do I really plan on doing so because I like how they look and they cost me a ton of money so I want them to last for as long as possible even though it has been tempting to open one and have a shot of my fav gin more than once.

This collection has been a big group effort because my friends have significantly helped me grow my collection and I couldn’t be more grateful because this collection is something I’m immensely proud of in every way possible.

I even got a Deadpool sticker decal for my PS4 controller which looks badass af.

I hope Ryan sees my collection and is impressed by it because in all honesty it just shows how big of a fan of his I am.

The last DVD of Ryan’s I got was The Alarmist which I watched for the first time on January 30th 2025.

I really only have one movie left of Ryan’s to watch.

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