Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Advertisements from 1920 issue of Hoard's Dairyman

Pictured below are some advertisements from the January 9, 1920, issue1 of Hoard's Dairyman, a magazine about the dairy industry that was started in 1885 and is still around today.2

Products and companies mentioned in the advertisements include:
  • F.W. Brode & Co. of Memphis, Tennessee
  • C.A. Libbey Company of Oshkosh, Wisconsin
  • C.H. Dana Co. of West Lebanon, New Hampshire
  • Professor Jesse Beery of Pleasant Hill, Ohio, and his book "How to Break and Train Horses"3
  • Land agent W.J. Andrews of Chicago

1. Page 1165, if you were wondering.
2. Here's a link to the history page on the Hoard's Dairyman website. And here's the magazine's entry on Wikipedia, which includes some interesting notes about Hoard's pioneering work on the national "cow census" and its annual Cow Judging Contest.
3. I was somewhat surprised to find that Beery, who died in 1945, has a website. Many of his books and pamphlets are available on Amazon.com. Here, for example, is a link to one from 1930.

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