The Outlook was a weekly magazine published in New York City from 1870 to 1935. Theodore Roosevelt was, for a time, one of its associate editors.
Here are some more interesting advertisements from that issue of The Outlook. Check out the ads for Gillette safety razors, Oldsmobile, the Marmon automobile and Hartshorn shade rollers. (Click on any of the images to see a larger version.)
The Outlook also had a large classified advertisements section, called The Outlook Want Department. The rate was five cents per word. There were advertisements for teachers, governesses, companions, domestic help, stenographers, librarians, room and board and miscellaneous1. Here is a sampling:
1. An example from the miscellaneous advertisements: "LOAN wanted with which to complete my education. Lee Arne, Omemee, North Dakota." It was certainly a nice try on Mr. Arne's part. Wonder if it worked.
Did "Kindergartener" mean something else back then? Because it sounds like a 5-year old is looking for employment.