Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Now softer and with more sheets for all your holiday TPing needs

Of course, none of you is planning anything mischievous tonight or tomorrow, right? RIGHT?

This ScotTissue toilet-paper advertisement was featured in the April 1953 issue of Woman's Day magazine. It promises greater softness and greater whiteness with its "water-woven" technology that employs only "pure 'white' pulp." And all of that at no increase in price.

I tried to find some information about the cultural history of toilet-papering as a prank.1 But, beyond mentioning The Rocky Horror Picture Show and a few other tidbits, Wikipedia doesn't have much to say on the matter.

Now, Mischief Night2 in its various incarnations has existed since the 18th century, but I don't now when the TPing trend first began to, ahem, unravel.

So, lacking any further information on that topic, if you're interested in the history of toilet paper itself, here is The United Colon Vlog presenting "From corncobs to Charmin: The history of toilet paper." Enjoy!

1. Because that's what I do here, folks. Who else is going to investigate these questions?
2. Mischief Night, which is usually October 30, is also known as Devil's Night, Cabbage Night, Gate Night, Mizzy Night, and Miggy Night.

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