Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Cloud family and Frankford Memorial Methodist Church

It's "Christmas Greetings from the Clouds," an undated old card featuring the Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Ingram Cloud and their children Bruce, Judith, and Brian, sitting around the dining room table.

The "enclosed booklet" mentioned on the front of the card is absent, and the inside pages are blank. The back of the card, however, is an advertisement for the worship services at Frankford Memorial Methodist Church at Oxford and Dyre in Philadelphia.

Rev. Cloud was the son of Preston Ercelle Cloud and Pauline L. Wiedemann1, lived from 1908 to 1988, according to, and was a member of the Washington and Lee University Class of 1931.

At one point he called Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, home.

In 1959, he authored a tract called "How to Read Your Bible," and perhaps that is booklet that was included with this greeting card.

The church mentioned on the card dates to 1871 and is now called Frankford Memorial United Methodist Church. You can read more about its history here.

1. The following newspaper blurb is from the February 23, 1906, edition of The New York Times, according to
"WILMINGTON, Del., Feb. 22. -- It was learned to-day that Preston Ercelle Cloud, a midshipman in the United States Navy, and Miss Pauline Wiedemann came to this city unattended late last night and were married by the Rev. George Lewis Wolfe, pastor of the First Methodist Church, at his home. Both gave Philadelphia as their residence, and started for that city after the ceremony. The bridegroom, it is said, is attached to the cruiser Annapolis, now at the League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia."

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