Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Oh, the places Papergreat pops up!

In doing some Google searches, I found a couple of places where Papergreat has infiltrated other segments of our culture...

Papergreat is cited in the end notes (shown above) of One-Year Dynasty: Inside the Rise and Fall of the 1986 Mets, Baseball's Impossible One-and-Done Champions, a 2016 book by Matthew Silverman.

The post cited is "Important message from Papergreat and some 1980s baseball players," from March 25, 2014. It discussed a 1986 activity book for kids titled The Pros Say It's O.K. to Say No to Drugs! Many Major League Baseball players, including one at least one key member of the 1986 Mets, were featured in that book.

Regarding Silverman's book on the Amazins, one Goodreads reviewer states:
"Enjoyed this very much. Lots of great detail that I've not previously heard, which is impressive considering the topic of the '86 Mets has been extensively researched and covered over the years. I especially enjoyed learning more about Gary Carter."
You can purchase Silverman's book on Amazon.com. I'm available to autograph the end notes, if you pay return shipping.

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Arthur Chiaravalli wrote an article titled "Why Teachers Are Going Gradeless: Toward a future of growth, not grades" that was published this past April on Observer.com. The article is illustrated with an image of an old teachers' gradebook from the 2011 Papergreat post "Peeking inside a circa-1940 Shippensburg High gradebook."

Here's an excerpt from Chiaravalli's thoughtful article:
"For others, gradeless means without grades, that is, avoiding the damaging and demotivating effects of grades entirely. These teachers are trying to put the focus squarely on learning, eliminating grades in favor of feedback and growth. Some may even work in schools that have replaced traditional report cards altogether, using portfolios or descriptive evaluations instead."
There is a Facebook group called "Teachers Going Gradeless - TG²" for ongoing discussion of this education topic. If you're a teacher, you might be able to request an invitation to join the closed group.

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So, those are pretty cool. Of course, the all-time most famous and prestigious mention of Papergreat is still the August 2011 article in The New York Times headlined "Shopper Receipts Join Paperless Age."

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