Searching through some old files, I discovered this amateurish bit of promotional material that I created back in March 2012, when I had the notion that I was going to use the power of ephemeral advertising — note that it's the shape of a postcard — to turn this blog into the Next Great Media Empire. Five-and-a-half years later, I'm still twiddling my thumbs, waiting for Disney or Alphabet or Comcast or Penguin Random House to dial my digits. Or FaceGram me. Or something.
The main image on the advertisement is still one of my all-time favorites. It was first featured on the October 2011 post "A dark and stormy night ... and a good book." I've been collecting additional copies and variations of that Victorian advertising card over the years. So that's a future post you can look forward to. Maybe during the upcoming Halloween season.
"Halloween" was the first thing I thought of when I saw that image.