Saturday, May 1, 2021

And it's, "Hey babe, your jukebox is waiting for you..."

To wrap up the week, I am kicking myself that in writing Post #1 and Post #2 about Genesis' "Home by the Sea" and "Second Home by the Sea" — and their relation to super-long songs being played on jukeboxes — I didn't bring up another Genesis song: 1972's "Supper's Ready."

That 23-minute magnum opus by Banks, Collins, Gabriel, Hackett and Rutherford could never be played on a traditional jukebox full of vinyl records. But technology is a wonderful thing. Digital jukeboxes, with no restraints on the playlist, started to debut in the late 1990s. 

And, at that point, "Supper's Ready" became fair game.

Or perhaps unfair game, if the crowd at a given establishment didn't appreciate one of the greatest prog-rock songs of all time.

Here's a July 2012 thread I found on Reddit:

Ha! I wish I had been at that New York City bar on the night of the back-to-back-back journeys with the supersonic scientist, the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man, Narcissus being turned to a flower, the flutterbyes and the seven trumpets blowing sweet rock and roll. (This also reminds me of John Mulaney's jukebox story, which is one of Ashar's favorites.)

Anyway, there's been much written on the interwebs about the brilliance of "Supper's Ready." I'm a huge fan of it, too. And, while it might be just a touch of blasphemy, I think my favorite version is the Phil Collins-led live version on "Seconds Out." Differences of opinion always welcome! 

1 comment:

  1. Chris, the Reddit thread reminds me of something similar that happened to me in a 43rd Street bar across the street from the old New York Times building. Could it possibly have been the same one! The song in question was Gordon Lightfoot's "Canadian Railroad Trilogy" (the 7:04 version found on Gord's Gold). I was drinking with a homesick expat - who, I swear, dabbed away a tear. We made it to the fifth playing before the bartender unplugged the jukebox. In retrospect, we should've added "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" (a mere 6:30) to the mix. This was in the spring of 1990. I believe it was the first CD jukebox I'd ever seen.
