And then there are the cats, with their pink and blue neck ribbons and nice saucer of milk. I like how (mostly) patient the other cat looks, while waiting a turn to drink. Our cat Mr. Bill, who turns 15 in December, has gotten much needier in his old age, whining for attention or food or just no reason at all throughout most days. Sometimes he just wants to be hugged and petted for a few minutes. Sometimes, in the mornings, we can make him temporarily happy with a bowl of milk. The other three cats always kindly wait their turn and let Mr. Bill have the first drink.
Some more about this embossed postcard, which was pasted in someone's scrapbook decades ago and which I almost certainly bought at the antique/junk store in York New Salem, Pennsylvania, years ago:
- It was never mailed.
- "Tuck's Post Card" is printed across the top.
- On the left side it states: "Raphael Tuck & Sons 'Birthday Post Cards' Series No. 105, ART PUBLISHERS TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING & QUEEN."
- A previous vendor wrote "GR 50¢" in pencil on the back
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