Hoping to see UFOs for 1976 bicentennial Independence Day: Wendyvee of roadsidewonders.net alerted me to the "You know you are from Girard or Lake City, PA when..." public group on Facebook. There's a March 8, 2019, post in which someone asks, "I was wondering does anyone remember the ufo landing site built in or around lake city back in the 70's."
That question spurred more than 50 comments about the famed UFO port that I blogged about earlier this month. Here are some of the more interesting comments:
- "Yes it was at community park and my niece loved to go see it when she came to visit. Also we would take my kids to go on the big slide and swings and they always wanted to see it."
- "I remember a helicopter landing on it with green man taking someone."
- "yup that was my Dad that they took."
- "I thought it was your DAD that was a great memory"
- "I think the only other time we had national attention was studs turkel came to town"
- "Yes I do, always wondered what the $&@% archaeologists would think of it if they dug it up 20,000 yrs from now. It would start a whole controversy."
In addition, Brian Busby of The Dusty Bookcase commented on the UFO post:
"I wonder whether the good people of Lake City weren't inspired by the St Paul, Alberta UFO Landing Pad. Constructed in 1967 for — you guessed it — Canada's Centennial, it's recognized by Guinness World Records as the first official UFO landing pad. This is not to take anything away from Lake City's project, which I note is the world's '1st official UFO landing port [emphasis mine].'
"An UFO enthusiast in my adolescence, I'd have visited both. As a skeptical adult, I've made made no attempt, though I'm happy to report that the St. Paul pad hasn't shared the same fate as the Lake City port.
"You may enjoy this two-year-old report from the CBC: 'For Canada's centennial, the Alberta town of St. Paul built a UFO landing pad ... but why?'"
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