Saturday, January 12, 2013

Vintage baseball photo to help tide you over until spring training

Enough with the NFL playoffs and the return of the NHL. We need some baseball!

We'll get it in 31 days.

The Philadelphia Phillies' pitchers and catchers report to Clearwater on Tuesday, February 12.

In the meantime, here's an old picture of a man wearing catching gear. He looks a wee bit like John Kinsella, don't you think? Unfortunately, there's no identifying information on the photograph.

Here are some other baseball-related posts, to help tide you over until hope springs eternal once again. I also have new baseball-ephemera posts in the coming weeks, to keep the hot stove warm.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! It seems like there's just a little difference between their attire today and the old times is the gear they are using. As I can see it, the protection gear they've got way back then is not yet that modified and it looks heavy. Good thing, they never stopped developing and devising a much better form of the attire.
