We'll get it in 31 days.
The Philadelphia Phillies' pitchers and catchers report to Clearwater on Tuesday, February 12.
In the meantime, here's an old picture of a man wearing catching gear. He looks a wee bit like John Kinsella, don't you think? Unfortunately, there's no identifying information on the photograph.
Here are some other baseball-related posts, to help tide you over until hope springs eternal once again. I also have new baseball-ephemera posts in the coming weeks, to keep the hot stove warm.
- Down memory lane with 1983 Topps Baseball Sticker Album
- Richie Ashburn: Philadelphia's favorite Nebraska farm boy
- Collection of Phillies ticket stubs
- Baseball-themed advertisements from a 1953 Phillies scorecard
- 1973 Spartanburg Phillies program
- Warm up with baseball photos from the early 20th century
- John Doll's 1929 baseball predictions
- MLB in '44: "An additional one dollar to take care of a midnight snack"
- Postcard: Wanamaker's and the 1911 World Series
Oh! It seems like there's just a little difference between their attire today and the old times is the gear they are using. As I can see it, the protection gear they've got way back then is not yet that modified and it looks heavy. Good thing, they never stopped developing and devising a much better form of the attire.