Wednesday, January 29, 2014

FOVA #16: Perfect Cold Cream

Magazine: The Ladies' Home Journal
Date: February 1920
Company: Daggett & Ramsdell, New York City
Product: Perfect Cold Cream "The Kind That Keeps"
Text: It's your charm of face — your lovely complexion — that brings you the Valentines of love and admiration. To win supremacy in the courts where many vie for beauty, you have but to use Daggett & Ramsdell's Perfect Cold Cream "The Kind That Keeps." Indoors and out-of-doors, at fêtes and under public gaze, your fair skin will be assured of softness and delicate freshness., if you apply D&R Perfect Cold Cream daily. It's the cream supreme that relieves all irritation of chapping and chafing. Hands that are rough and red respond quickly to its healing qualities. Babies are kept happy by its use. You will enjoy its home ministrations in countless ways.

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