In just a few hours, we'll know how it all turned out...
In the meantime, enjoy this cheery and colorful vintage "Best Wishes" postcard, featuring the magic realism of flower-covered homes. We should all live in flower-covered homes. Unless we have allergies. In which case we should not do that.
The card was postmarked on August 31, 1910, in Vandervoort, Arkansas, which is about a half-hour southwest of Ink, Arkansas. The card was written to a man named Willis, and this is my best guess as to what the note states:
Hello! Mr Willis Roeber. I will answer your most welcome Post card I rec'd yesterday morn. I guess the people did have a glorious time at the meeting. I certainly wish I could have attended the meeting. Oh! Say you ought to come up and see how Vandervoort is progressing. They have the new concrete building just about completed and they are starting on a new brick building this side of the bank.Hmmm. Part of that message reads like it was written by a Bot. And the other part is super strange in its non-specificity. Am I missing the true point?
From A True Friend [unreadable word, possibly "Emma"]
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