Hats off to Joan, who discovered this amusing inscription inside a copy of the wonderfully titled Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch1 while browsing through books recently at The York Emporium:
"From Wayne Bushey,The name of the person who wrote the red-ink inscription 51 years ago didn't put his or her name anywhere else in the book, so that part remains a mystery.
He gave it to me at our Sunday School party on December, 1965. I had his name and got him a Slinky. He had my name, and I had his name. We exchaned [sic] gifts."
By the way, here's the last line of the book: "Looks like ever'thin' in the world comes right, if we jes' wait long enough!" That's perhaps some good, if slightly depressing, advice these days.
1. It will likely be shelved alongside Nobody Plays with a Cabbage in Joan's cabbage section.