Saturday, June 27, 2020

Snapshot of COVID-19 headlines

It's been almost exactly three months since I wrote my second of two posts about The Stand and shared a snapshot in time of news headlines and tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is, of course, going to be the most-documented crisis in history. I know people who have already filled multiple personal journals about life in 2020. Content about this moment in history, which now includes a seismic and necessary movement to end police brutality and racial injustice, is omnipresent. Future historians should have no trouble finding more eyewitness sources and accounts than they will possibly need.

And yet I still feel my own personal need to document 2020 in small ways — ways that are unique to how I've always hoarded bits of history and daily life. I've been filling envelopes with emails, printed tweets, magazine articles and other ephemera of note. Much of it relates to my job at the newspaper, offering an inside-baseball glimpse of how journalists are navigating 2020.

As I did on March 25, I'm putting together another aggregation of tweets and headlines from this week. It's hard to ascend to 40,000 feet and examine all the changes of mindset and priorities we've had in the past 100 days, but perhaps there are some comparisons to be made.

  • Live updates: Florida, South Carolina and Nevada hit new highs in daily coronavirus cases
  • Ana Cabrera (CNN): CA Gov Newsom: “We are in the midst of the first wave of this pandemic...We are not out of the first wave. This disease does not take a summer vacation.”
  • Young people are driving a spike in coronavirus infections, officials say
  • City of Lancaster: As we enter into the green phase today, remember that COVID-19 is still in our community. Please continue to take precautions like wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer or washing your hands often, and maintaining social distance.
  • The Philadelphia Inquirer: Masks are now mandatory in Philadelphia.
  • DOJ warns against fake face mask exemption cards
  • ProPublica: Positive cases are not increasing just because there is more testing, as the president has claimed, but because in many states the virus is simply spreading more.
  • Texas governor says he let bars reopen too quickly
  • Texans must ‘dramatically change’ behavior to stop hospitals from being overwhelmed, hospital executive says
  • Ana Cabrera: At least 11 states have currently paused or rolled back their reopening plans
  • Contact tracing is ‘a disaster’ in hard-hit Maricopa County, Arizona congressman says
  • MODEL: Phoenix could see 28,000 new infections a DAY!
  • CT, NJ, NY implement mandatory 14-day quarantine for travelers from hotspots
  • CUOMO: Police will stop cars with out-of-state plates
  • EU prepares to ban American travelers as borders reopen on July 1
  • Dana Goldstein: In some regions of the country, state officials will allow districts to reopen without strictly following the guidance for distancing, masking and sanitation. In all regions, I expect that school attendance will *not* be compulsory, meaning you can choose to keep your kid home.
  • Pence tries to put positive spin on pandemic despite surging cases in South and West
  • Zeynep Tufekci: VP Pence today did not emphasize the need to wear masks. Masks are the *one* thing most everyone can do, but if conservative leaders don't lead on it, it will disappear down the polarization rabbit hole. They must know this. And yet.. 2020 is the true end of the American Century.
  • Making men feel manly in masks is, unfortunately, now a public-health challenge of our time
  • Biden says he would use federal power to require masks
  • Johns Hopkins doctor suggests politicians should put aside personal opinions and wear masks (Fox News)
  • 'Herd immunity music festival' set for July
  • Coronavirus infection rate spiking in California, a troubling sign of community spread
  • Ana Cabrera: #URGENT: U.S. sees highest single day of new COVID-19 cases, with 40,173 cases reported Friday, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

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