Wednesday, November 14, 2012

York, Pa., news items and classifieds from an August 1944 issue of Grit

History time! Here are some York County, Pennsylvania, news items that appeared in the August 20, 1944, issue of Grit.

  • "Arrest of the 'king pin' in York County's counterfeit gasoline rationing coupon racket was promised by district OPA [Office of Price Administration] officials when they addressed approximately 150 local retail liquid fuel dealers during a meeting at the Y.M.C.A. That apprehension of the 'big shot' was imminent was declared by Marvin H. Cullison, special district investigator, who added that a 'lot of action' will result in York County, where one-half of the bogus coupons in the ten-county Harrisburg district have been found in circulation..."
  • "More than 500 employes [sic] in York's biggest munitions plants received summons from deputy collectors of the Internal Revenue Bureau on the first day of a drive to enforce the law requiring motorists to display the $5 federal automobile use stamp."
  • "The only WASP [Women Airforce Service Pilots] from York County is Miss Mary Sophia Reineberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reineberg, who graduated with the fourteenth class to complete flight training in army planes under air force supervision at Sweetwater, Tex. Before joining the WASPs she was a surgeon-chiropodist for six years and logged 165 hours of private pilot time in three years."
  • "At 18 Robert H. Kauffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson L. Kauffman, of York, finds himself a soldier for the third time. He enlisted at 15 but was discharged when military authorities learned his real age. Later, at 16, he was accepted again and served at Camp Lee, Va., when he was turned out and now he has become of age for the army."

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And here are a few of the classified advertisements from that same issue:
  • HIGHEST PRICES FOR CUT HUMAN HAIR, 10 in. up. Check mailed on receipt. No combings. Zauder Bros., 115 W. 47th St., New York.
  • MAKE UP TO $25-$35 WEEK AS A TRAINED practical nurse! Learn quickly at home. Booklet free. Chicago School of Nursing, Dp. M-8, Chicago.
  • BECOME A FOOT CORRECTIONIST. MAKE up to $100 week. Easy Terms for home training. Arch support making alone offers rich rewards. Free Booklet. Stephenson System, 44 Back Bay, Boston, Mass.
Finally, there was this classified advertisement:

I'm not entirely sure what J.B. Cushing was up to, but it seems a little creepy. And expensive. One dollar in the summer of 1944 would be about $13 today. That's a lot of clams to have a stranger answer three questions. Preying on lonely hearts, perhaps?

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