Monday, April 13, 2020

Stay-at-home shelfie #16

And we've arrived at the International Culture & History shelf, one of my more successful attempts at organizing books thematically. Being a top shelf that's right inside the bedroom door, however, this is a prime landing area for new and unsorted material. Hence the three books on top, two of which came from the York Emporium (which now has an online shop) in one of my final visits there before the stay-at-home order. The Collector of Leftover Souls has the subtitle Field Notes on Brazil's Everyday Insurrections; it came to my attention during the American Dirt controversy, as writers and readers championed lesser-known books, fiction and nonfiction, that contained more authentic voices.

Syrian Yankee was discussed in a post almost exactly a year ago. The boringly titled Historical Atlas comes from Oak Crest Lane and was published under the Barnes & Noble imprint in 1956. It has several maps and other things tucked away inside. And let me be clear: Many of the books in these shelfies have things that have been tucked away inside by yours truly. My gifts to future book lovers. The Enchantment of Africa books were originally in the Wrightsville Elementary School library before being pruned for newer material and ending up in the Book Nook Bonanza annual sale, where I picked them up, because two things I can't resist are books from the 1970s and old school library books. I might donate them to a Little Free Library sooner rather than later, though, in the hopes that some young minds might find them interesting.

And then there are volumes about Libya, Iran, Syria, Peru and life in the Ottoman Empire. Because it seems appropriate that a guy named Otto should have at least one book about the Ottoman Empire. And finally there are some books that might be in line with stressed Americans' recent desire to be gettin' hygge wit it. (Sorry.)

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