Thursday, May 14, 2020

Stay-at-home shelfie #49

Now we're at the Mostly Ghostly shelf, which is on the other side of the cabinet-top that also holds the International Culture & History shelf. Can you think of a better group of four guests to have over for dinner than Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi, Shirley Jackson and Algernon Blackwood?!

The first book has summaries of most of Price's films, and the second is a biography written by his daughter, Victoria Price. Then there's the Lugosi biography that I mentioned in the 2018 "paying it forward" post, followed by Ruth Franklin's recent biography, Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life. And that's followed by some of Jackson's iconic novels and short stories, including a volume I picked up for 25¢ at a 2014 yard sale. Then there's some William Hope Hodgson, including that edition of The House on the Borderland that I adore. (Sorry, though, for not inviting William to the dinner party.) And finally some chill-filled Blackwood volumes. I wrote a little about him a long time ago...

Random notes
  • What would be served at the dinner? Would it be best if Lugosi was the host? He was known for hosting extravagant dinners.
  • Victoria Price's website is Daily Practice of Joy, which is something we really need in this moment.
  • Elisabeth Moss is portraying Shirley Jackson in a movie that's set to be released this summer. If we have movies in theaters this summer.
  • Edward Parnell has written about going in search of William Hope Hodgson's house. The tale of that journey appears in Ghostland: In Search of a Haunted Country (Shelfie #13) and also in an article for the November 2019 issue of Fortean Times.

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