Thursday, June 29, 2017

Delightful illustrations from "The Blue Domers in the Deep Woods"

The Blue Domers in the Deep Woods was written by Jean Finley and published in 1928 by A.L. Burt Company. It was the third book in an eight-book series, with all eight books being published between 1928 and 1930.

Mary Crosson's "No Frills" Juvenile Series Book Information Site, describes the Blue Domers books: "This series follows the mild adventures of a group of children who love to play outdoors under the sky (hence 'blue domers.') The books are aimed at the same age audience as the Bobbsey Twin series, but the plots are somewhat tamer and more slowly paced. ... The illustrations are charmingly drawn in shades of black and orange, and the full-color appliqué covers are beautiful."

It's those illustrations that spurred this post. They should be saved for posterity. Plus, there are elephants! Here are three pieces of artwork from this book...

In addition, this hardcover book has endpaper illustrations, with separate artwork at the front and the back (which is really uncommon, in any era). Click on the images to view larger versions.

If you're interested in collecting this series, either for the stories or the illustrations, prices range from about $5 to $25 per volume, from the standard online sellers. Conditions will certainly vary greatly. This is a cute little book, though. Crosson was correct when she described the adventure as "mild." There's not much at stake or in jeopardy. And there are characters with names like Barney, Bert, Zed, Big Tim, Marietta Pancake, Percy Pickle, Bingo and a gnome named Paddy McQuoddy.

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